Seth search engine

I appreciate the discussion, Christopher (My real name is Christopher by the way). And again, appreciate the work on the database. My friend (who introduced me to Seth years ago) sent it to me and we were excited… like children… like a birthday present. So great.

And we had just been having a discussion about the GPT environment. And I’ve had some rather profound conversations which I hope to share some day soon. And I know what it’s capable of, I understand its limitations and I think it’s worthwhile to explore this information and how to experience this reality through a very intimate setting. And even without having intuition or feeling… it would still express it as Seth would or at least react (with that same “feeling”).

And of course as you say, respectful of copyright, respectful of the source, respectful of Seth, of Jane, of Laurel. of this community. And exactly why I wanted to see how people felt. It’s important, I know. And again, thank you for being one of the leaders here and sharing “the word”, sharing Seth and Jane. It’s, them, him… it’s all very special to me too and has profoundly accelerated my self awareness and reality building abilities. So… thank you being a part of that.

And unfortunately… you’ve now met a man who would love to build a wooden airliner. I am notorious with my friend (my Sethian copilot) for taking the hardest route around. That I like to tear things down (not destructively with relationships… just things and ideas) and the process of building it back together, to understand where it breaks or why wood isn’t the best choice for a plane for some applications… for others, it’s the perfect design. I am a destroyer of belief systems (my own) and a lover of creation. An engineer as it turns out. I had no idea…

Great to meet you and looking forward to the continued discussions in the context of our technologically driven world and collaboratively exploring reality and consciousness that Seth so obviously affected all of us.

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I don’t intend to argue. I’m commenting again just to somewhat clarify why I said that a Seth-AI wouldn’t work.

Seth wrote that his material is so conceived that everybody gets from it whatever they need, at their current level of evolvement. What I interpret and get from a Seth quote may be different from what you do because we are different, work on different lessons, are at different levels of evolvement, have different current needs.

You will find out that most of the times you re-read a Seth session, even a Seth quote, you will understand it deeper and deeper. As your picture of reality gets more detailed, your understanding of Seth’s teachings changes.

This is why I generally prefer to post quotes that I find meaningful, and avoid reformulating or explaining them, because I don’t want to impede others’ subjective interpretations, and learning.

A Seth-AI would reformulate Seth’s phrases and rearrange them incorrectly, so it would greatly reduce the usefulness of the material.

A Seth-AI can’t have intuition, because it doesn’t have inner-senses, it doesn’t have a non-physical self, it isn’t non-physically connected to all the other gestalts of consciousness.

Intuition is a feature of the consciousness that even most humans don’t have it developed enough to use it, and that is a catch-all term for all the inner-senses perceptions that humans can’t consciously access. It allows a consciousness to handle perceptions that can’t be handled by instincts, emotions, or intellect. It offers solutions that can’t be reasoned, nor felt. Feelings aren’t intuition; they are emotions that were intellectualized to some degree.

@Proteus, incidentally I was wondering about that too, as I always hit limitations when chatting with ChatGPT that I had wished it understood more about Seth’s teaching, or metaphysical/transpersonal concepts that are beyond the ego mind construct…would love to explore more on extending Chat GPT so that it can understand the new consciousness. (Although I am still new to NLP). Agree with Christopher & Inavalan though on the concerns.

Once more, knowledge and information does not exist apart from the personality or personalities that knows it. Knowledge does not exist in a vacuum all by itself, and you cannot have a conversation with a book. The author, yes, if that author is alive and willing.

A proposed Seth AI Chat GPT would only be as good as the Seth based knowledge held by the person or persons who program the AI. When Jane’s Seth, or, Seth One, was working with Jane for nearly 21 years, Seth was his own, AI, Chat-GPT, he was the author of his work, you understand, and Seth organized his curriculum and approach to teaching for his student’s benefit and level of understanding. There are levels of the material we are not as yet ready to get into, as Seth reveals many times within the material…but not yet.

. However, an inspired Seth practitioner, on their own, can explain portions of Jane’s Seth, but through the lens, the filters, the layers, of their beliefs, and this is where human distortion can possibly creep in, to one degree or another, and “color” the work…the ego at play.
Like Jane said, decades ago, when discussing computers in the 1970s, "Computers are not alive and they cannot create. Why would anyone resort to a Seth AI GURU, when they can get direct information by trusting and working with and listening to their vast, inner being, their own wellspring of knowledge and wisdom residing within all people…whether they know it or not.

A good Seth teacher’s job is to get you “up and running” on your own so you can remove your seat belt and freely move about the cabin, so to speak…if you catch my drift.

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Well I unintentionally broke the timestamp on Ron’s post, that was 17 hours before this post, not 30 minutes.

Anyway, it’s true no one needs a “Seth AI” and it can’t touch the magnificence of the wisdom of the inner self. Still though, it would be a useful tool when understood and presented correctly. A “SethGPT” would probably do a phenomenal job at answering common, predictable questions. It would then of course fall flat on its face when particular insight or creativity is required.

As someone who has used ChatGPT 4 since its creation (and studied ML for years before that), it’s not much of a problem when presented correctly. Asking a question of ChatGPT is like asking your roommate/neighbor/friend who knows a topic pretty well but is just guessing at what they remember, not actively consulting/citing their sources.

It’s better than Google, because Google isn’t particularly good, and you don’t just “automatically trust” what you find with Google anyway. Nor should you with an LLM. It’s just text prediction, there’s no ghost in the machine. But it’s very very good text prediction. Once you realize it’s like asking “AL” next door, and that you need to check for yourself for accuracy, it’s just another wrench on the toolbelt. It’s not even that strange honestly. It’s just like asking someone in-person. A surprising amount of the time we don’t really care about accuracy when we ask our friends simple questions / advice, but still find it useful.

Anyway, yeah I think the ideal form would pull up citations. It would be presented as something like, “I’m just an AI, blah blah blah, I think Seth would say something like blah blah blah, but I’m just a text prediction engine, but it looks like these things are referenced in session X, Y, Z. You should check them for accuracy.” More like SethLibrarianGPT. :wink:

And Ron has a major point; I think it would be prudent to literally quote Seth about how the inner self has knowledge available/ready. It’s really not hard to get personal insight. :sweat_smile: The conscious mind has access to the inner and outer… described well at the beginning of NoPR. Too tired/lazy to find it at the moment, but I do like this one:

“You are only half conscious when you do not examine the information that comes to you from without, and when you ignore the data that comes to you from within.”
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972

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In one of Seth books he mentioned thar mushrooms are a gift to this civilisation, because of future heavy contamination of sulfur gases from vulcanic eruptions, which Mushrooms absorb in big quantity.
Whish book is this, please.
best Regards, Zoran, Serbia

None of them. To my knowledge.

Hi. I tried to find the earliest spot that the phrase “all that is” is mentioned. Even if I use all: or exact: only the word “All” is highlighted and I can see the full phrase just sitting there. :slight_smile: Just thought I’d ask if I’m doing something wrong or report it if it is a bug. thanks.

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It was a bug! Thank you, just been fixed. :wink:‘all+that+is’/

cool thank you very much.

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Thank you again for this Seth search engine!
Maybe you got the idea to write this app directly from Seth.