Lives on other timelines

My oversoul has a personality that is performing tonight in L.A. I do not exist on her timeline, however, I am sending her energy for her performance.
I am interested in talking more about this with anyone who has a base knowledge of Seth and Jane’s/Rubert’s works.

Your take on different timelines is humorous, Brian. I’m always happy to see a Seth philosopher take himself lightly while still pursuing a greater understanding of the work. I consider myself a member of this subgroup of “Sethians” although in reading over my past posts I am guilty of sounding ponderous and seemingly all-knowing!

In response to your superstar self performing in LA, I delight in sending positive energy to her, as I do everyday for every seeker of dreams on the planet and beyond. Now that I think of it, I believe all beings are seekers of dreams in one way or another.

I have a different way of experiencing my myriad possible selves. It derives from a Seth quote having to do with dreams, and “his” assertion that we take for granted the fact that in dreams, we believe that anything is possible and so often we experience a reality freed of the familiar strictures imposed by us on ourselves in our “physical” realm.

I am many things in my dreams, a sage, an explorer, a lover, a world traveler, an innocent and especially an unlimited being enveloped in loving support always. So far, these nightly excursions into my endless probabilities is enough for me. I do also, however, often give a thought to these manifestations of “me” in conscious thought as well.

In other words, I feel connected to the infinite manifestions of my being in the past, present and future happening all at once, as it were. These conscious thoughts are rarely as definitive as your LA rock star, for which I applaud you, but rather take the form of multiple awarenesses of self in a variety of forms connected in a huge spider web of being enveloping the universe.

There I go again, sounding like someone who takes herself seriously. Beneath all this serious thought, lies a being who sees this all as a glorious joke, a challenging game that is ultimately delightful and often makes me laugh out loud and smiles at herself all the time - in good times and bad. So, I joyfully enjoy smiling with you as your LA star performs and invite you to smile with me as we cavort through this playful trick we call being.

Thanks for your words Mirajane. My primary relationship is with my higher self/oversoul. He is the one who let me know about the other personality. I suppose he wanted to expand my ideas of simultaneous time as they apply to ‘me’ as well as ‘him’.
Along those lines, I also discovered that I had met another of my ‘simultaneous personality counterparts’ in a dream many months ago. We played basketball together. Some of Jane’s words in ‘Oversoul 7’ were so similar to the emotions I felt in that dream, that I sought out some internal information and was surprised but thrilled at the realization that I had interacted with another projection of my oversoul.
I am thankful that I was able to discover the words of Seth, Jane, and Rob and have been able to use that knowledge to explore amazing realms of existence beyond what I thought ‘reality’ was.

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My severely handicapped son asked me when he was five “if there was more than one of him?” Unthinkingly I replied no and certainly didn’t want to confuse him, still…

All consciousness is connected, most don’t consciously realize it. – ron, SETH FORCE on Facebook.

Hi Sandy,
I would be curious as to why he asked that question. Did or does he remember being someone else?

My son remembered another family when he was very young, 3, 4 and 5 years old, he would speak about them and the farm they lived on. He would tell me about his other life with them.

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At age five he was essentially nonverbal but we finally figured out what he was trying to say. I thought the question unusual given his cognitive issues. Still, he has many extraordinary abilities and “has chosen a life of no responsibilities” so we’ve been told :thinking:

I guess this quote from Conversations with Seth Vol 2 is relevant to the subject:

You, the focus personality, are always yourself, and no other ,” Seth commented …
“There are, in fact, infinite varieties of matter, existing in what you would call one space framework,” Seth said in these first explanations of probable realities. “Action is action whether or not you perceive it, and probable events are events whether or not you perceive them. Thoughts are also events; as are wishes and desires. The human system responds as fully to these as it does to physical events. In dreams, often portions of probable events are experienced in a semiconscious manner. . . . A portion of your whole self is quite involved in these probable events, however. The I of your dreams can be legitimately compared to the self that experienced probable events. [That I would consider itself fully conscious and view the waking I as the probable self.]
“Let us consider the following. An individual finds him­self with a choice of three actions. He chooses one and experiences it. The other two actions are experienced also, by the inner ego, but not in physical reality. . . . The results are then checked by the in­ner ego as an aid in other decision-making. The probable actions were definitely experienced, however, and such experience makes up the existence of the ‘probable selves’ just as dream actions make up the experience of the dreaming self. . . .
“There is a constant subconscious interchange of infor­mation between all layers of the whole self. . . . The package of ex­perience upon which you can focus is indeed composed of many small packages, but the whole package of reality is much larger than this. A portion of the self can and does experience events in an entirely different fashion [than the ego does], and this portion goes off on a different tangent. For when your conscious self perceives Event X, this other part of the self branches off, so to speak, into all the other probable events that could have been experienced by the ego.”

This too:

In The Nature of Personal Reality, Seth treats probabilities as the basis of choice and action—as the bones upon which the flesh of the moment is grown. “There is creativity in your past waiting for you even as there is in your future,” Seth says of the process of changing your daily reality. “To utilize such experience [means that] you must learn to alter your beliefs, and to some degree escape from the particular kind of limited conscious focus that you habitually use. . . .
“The fact remains that there are probable past events that ‘can still happen’ within your personal previous experience. A new event can literally be born into the past—now!
“On a grand scale this rarely occurs in such a way that you perceive it. . . . A new belief in the present, however, can cause changes in the past on a neurological level. You must understand that basically time is simultaneous. Present beliefs can alter the past. In some cases of healing, in the spontaneous disappearance of cancer, for instance, or of any other disease, certain alterations are made that affect cellular memory, genetic codes, or neurological patterns in the past . . .
All of your present experience was drawn from probable reality. During your life, any event must come through your creaturehood, with the built-in time recognition that is so largely a part of your neurological structure. . . . In a manner of speaking, each belief can be seen as a powerful station, pulling to it from fields of probabilities only those signals to which it is attuned, and blocking out all others. . . Each condition is as real or unreal as the other. Which you? Which world? You have your choice . . . ”