This is a quite interesting quote:
Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 404
Applying The Law Of Attraction To Finances
Now Joseph, a few remarks. These may sound simple to you. Ruburt has learned, the hard way, that the physical image is a direct materialization of the inner state of mind.
He knows this now through direct personal experience. If he had believed me in the beginning, and followed the precepts in the material, he would not have had such an experience.
Now. I recommend Maltz because his exercises are based on truths, even though he does not fully understand what lies beneath. Do you want me to tell you how to better your financial circumstances or do you want to learn the hard way?
(“No. Tell me.” See Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.)
You have been told but you have not taken the information seriously because you were not ready, as earlier Ruburt was not ready to. First of all, all negative attitudes must be removed from your consciousness. You are attracting further financial problems in your desperation. You are focusing upon poverty rather than wealth.
It may seem to you highly impractical, unrealistic and downright foolish to ignore the physical circumstances of debts and expenses. To focus upon them, I tell you, is to bring more upon yourself. The rule of expectation applies.
When you receive a bill do not automatically react as you have, instead as if you were contemplating a new painting. Form in your mind the image of a check to that amount. See yourself celebrating as you pay the final amount on your car. See in your mind’s eye a surplus of money in your folder when the month’s expenses are paid.
Now your financial situation will not change no matter how you push yourself, unless you apply such simple exercises. You do not do this naturally, which is why they are required. You must indeed think consciously in terms of plenty rather than of want. On several occasions Ruburt has followed these and your wants have been fulfilled.
You have been fighting him in this regard, and this has impeded the efforts he has lately been making. Now these exercises will prove themselves out in practical terms, but you must give them the opportunity to prove themselves.
Your subjective life has been somewhat permeated by thoughts of want, and literally poverty, until you have indeed exaggerated your own situation. The exaggerated situation could come to pass however if you persist in projecting those images outward.
They would not help you get a raise but act to the contrary, and they have done so in the past. I am giving you advice in very practical terms. What you do with it is up to you. But you have severely limited yourself in this respect.
In the past Ruburt helped you generate such negative ideas, but he has been making an attempt to combat them. His own experience has proven to him that I was right in other regards. As long as you believe that others are taking advantage of you, they will do so. The origin is in yourself, and this is what you have not so far understood.
(“I think I have been aware of that.”)
The origin is not in others.
For fifteen minutes a day agree to suspend critical judgment, and following the Maltz method imagine yourself vividly in the position you would like to be. The rest of the time consciously make an effort to control your attitude when you find yourself thinking in terms of want or poverty. Then switch your thoughts to ideas of plenty. This need not involve hypocrisy, indeed must not. You must feel that this is legitimate and practical, because the thoughts of plenty will automatically begin to attract plenty. This is sufficient. There should not be an overemphasis on material possessions or security however.
Now this program if faithfully followed will bring results. It will initiate intuitive concepts, ideas in your work which will automatically attract others to possess them. It will initiate other actions that will result in financial betterment.
Do you have any questions pertaining to this particular material?
(“I have a lot of them. It’s hard to ask them all at once on short notice though.”) …