Hi The Tide,
Stumbled upon your comment here and it is fun to read your list of “what is easy to manifest” vs “what is not easy to manifest.” I also liked your cat story, makes me think about all the sentient interaction we can have with the animal kingdom, heck with any species really.
I love hearing about other people’s adventures into the land of strange. I have a list too.
Hi Aurore,
I too am glad that no one has tried to turn Seth into a religion, at the end of the day it is just a mind place for personal growth and adventure.
Hi Mel,
I find that some of the best manifestation stories I have are ones that revolve around very “playful” imagery I create in my mind to counter a situation that I want to change, for instance:
In the Harry Potter movie, where he goes into his bank vault and asks what is that chinking noise, (the sound of coins dropping onto other coins) he is answered, “interest.” So I would go on my daily walks around town and hear in my imagination, the sound of money chinking around me, on the sidewalk, behind every bush I passed, imaging it dropping into my closet at home, just so much of it that I didn’t know what to do with it all. In my mind, changing the energy around it from something of scarcity to something of overflowing abundance.
It did change the money that entered into my experience. Find an image that makes you chuckle, and imagine it often in a playful way and see what happens.
Hello, Whirled_Peas,
Thanks for your comment. Personal growth and adventure usually lose out when ritual and hierarchy rear their ugly heads!
Hi AuroreEaton,
It seems all too often people get caught in the trappings of religion, or trying to make a religion out of something. There is a guy on this site, that is always bragging about owning some object that Jane owned and I think he misses the point. It is not the material objects of the teacher that is the magic, it is the understanding of the concepts that were taught. And if you can not grasp the concepts I can see how one would easily then, focus on the objects.
Your list still intrigues me, that list you wrote, one being the cat story. I went online the other day and looked up “Glitches in the Matrix” stories. It is interesting that a lot of people seem to have many instances of, what we think of as ‘solid’ reality, getting all bendy and plastic.
Hi Mel
I’ve been a student of the material since 2011 and in that time changed my life completely. I stopped smoking 4 years ago after 40 y. I’ve turned my financial situation 360° without a change in income just a new perspective to what constitutes as an abundance. I’m 64 healthy no meds and apparently I don’t believe in gray hair because mine is still brown. I have on the other hand a mild case of anxiety and slide into negative territory quite easily after years of worry about basically everything until I found the material and stopped being a constant victim of my existence but never faced it head on like I’m doing now.
But every time I invested effort into belief change it has worked.
Hope this helps
I’m new to Seth Material and after having read the Seth Speaks. I’ve also tried some of his techniques. I had success with the 5 minute manifestation method. I manifested many things into my life and it worked well for me.
I healed myself of scars using this method.
The cat thing, i helped my tiny kitten get out of a tree by drumming on the trunk in a steady beat and telling her sje was a tiger who can get down if she wants. First time she jad to be rescued by my then partners tree surgeon brother.
Its funny coz i have healed myself from so many things, mainly emotional and mental things as i was blessedly brought up with the solid belief that my immume system is bullet proof. But i refuse to heal my scars. I love them too much, they are an integral part of my body structure and journey. They are self harm scars btw. But massive fist bump for getting down to the business of the ‘impossible’
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, i WONDER who that could be. I’ve only been back five minutes and as you can tell i know exactly who that is. Bless him. But yea, point missed by more than a wee bit it would seem. The only success is actually applying the material in ones life amd realiseing the inevitable, we really didn’t NEED the material from seth at all. We just happened to find that out via the seth material. Perfect paradox. And we certainly don’t need bits of stuff from an old derelict house either. Meh, maybe some do. Who am i to judge? No one, and i know it too, so good.
Hey Cate,
Collecting artifacts and trying to turn them into Religious Relicts, seems to be missing the point for sure. And made me laugh, I know you know that I know who we are talking about. But you make a point, we have to maybe go down a road to totally understand it. Who know, in another lifetime I could have been some religious zealot that thought a fingernail of a saint was more precious than the bigger truths, than the life and words that saint spoke of. Maybe that is all I could understand at the time. That is most likely what is going on in the above mentioned case. Let’s face it, a rocking chair is much less frightening than the knowledge that we create our own reality. So, much easier to worship and make a big deal of the chair.
As an interesting note, in the early 1500s, Martin Luther was a Catholic theologian when the Church was selling indulgences to people who wanted access to heaven, indulgences in the form of saint’s bones they were assured, when, in fact, the Church sold animal bones to unsuspecting, trusting parishioners, and Luther was well aware of it and objected, eventually starting the Reformation movement exposing much of Church ways. – ron, SETH FORCE on Facebook.
Hi Samahaseth, Here’s help…Try visiting SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues on Facebook, enlightening Seth information available…ron.
Well, As you may know, several years ago, I obtained from Laurel Davies-Butts, of Sayre, PA, the Ouija board that Seth came through on in early December of 1963, and I have it here with me now, and it is an iconic artifact addition to my Seth Museum Collection, which, incidentally, contains Jane’s rocker, the long coffee table, Rob’s 1968 Seth portrait and dozens of top Rob and Jane artwork, and, you may like to know that when I attended Rob’s 100th birthday celebration at the Seth House in June of 2019, and also when I returned to Elmira in Nov of 2020, to obtain the Hill house horde of left behind abandoned Jane, Rob and Seth material, I brought along the Ouija board, and I had the opportunity to use it with Kate and Oshara of the Seth House, and Seth came through both times, although quite briefly, and he acknowledged it was him, his family, We Are Seth, and that he was aware of what all was going on back on the earth plane and he and Jane and Rob were very pleased with the interest and direction of the Seth material dissemination. So the Ouija board is still an active oracle for contact. Remember, a closed mind perceives nothing. – ronald h card on Facebook.