Blazing success stories?

Hi all,

New member here. I am a Seth reader of about ten years, on and off. I was wondering if anyone here has any stories to share about how they’ve put the Seth material to beneficial use in their lives.

For my part, I am currently working through The Nature of Personal Reality and feeling very much empowered by the process of confronting my beliefs. I have much more work to do but feel especially thrilled about allowing my less desirable/negative thoughts to be what they are and play themselves out so that I can examine them honestly and respond to them properly rather than pushing them off to the side (from where, of course, they nag me relentlessly!). Seth talks about how negative thoughts and beliefs can’t simply be papered over with positive thinking. By allowing those negative thoughts their space, they change, and become something else more manageable. Seems obvious right!? I’ve been using this to confront some pretty big issues and I’m amazed at how freeing this simple shift of perspective has been.

If anyone has a success story to share or insights from their practice, I would love to read all about it.

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Hi, Mel,

Thanks for writing. I first read Seth teachings in the late 1970s, and The Nature of Personal Reality is my favorite. I have read it again and again (the original paperback that I bought in 1978). When I read that book back then it totally and permanently changed my perspective on everything. It was an incredibly positive “ah ha!” experience that opened me up to examining the reality of life – and the most important thing is that we are making that reality. The perspectives I have gained through reading Seth have helped me in a million ways, and nearly every day, in fact. One big thing is that I was able to examine and appreciate the dynamics of why I became ill with a life-threatening disease a few years ago, and why and how I got through it okay.

It has always frustrated me that I have never found anyone who finds the Seth teachings compelling in any way. Sometimes I feel that I am out in the fresh air seeing the sun rise, and everyone else is stuck in the moldy cave and afraid to go out. However, I discovered Buddhism about 12 years ago, and found that there is much in Buddhist philosophy that tracks with Seth (Truth is Truth after all). Buddhism is all about community, which is a fantastic thing. So now I have friends who are open to looking into the “nature of personal reality” in their own ways within (more or less) a Buddhist framework. I see Seth’s teachings as being a next step beyond where Buddhism has taken people so far. What is great these days is that some of the most popular Buddhist teachers are delving into discussions of quantum physics and modern psychology and looking at how these sciences track with Buddhist thought, and how Buddhism can be informed by scientific discoveries. It’s fun to see how the world is operating and how it can be made better by us individually and collectively. Best wishes to you.

Seth talks about Buddha several places in the material. I have memorized the truths 8 fold path and virtues, it is very helpful.

I have been a Seth reader 39 years. I got out of jail and hitchhiked out of that city. Today 25 years later I own property and buildings and I am a landlord. Keep reading it does get better.



Hi, Mike, Thanks for your message. I have read some of Seth’s references to the Buddha. Very interesting stuff. Best wishes.

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Hi AuroreEaton,

Oh wow, that book must be such a treasure for you. A little paper talisman.

My first Seth book was a borrowed copy of Seth Speaks. I was immediately fascinated and started gathering the material as I came across it. I’ve kept the concepts near and dear for years but it’s only recently that I’ve felt compelled to sit down and get to work on adapting myself to live the concepts. This is now my first reading of The Nature of Personal Reality and I’m very pleased with it and my efforts.

I feel your frustration on finding other Seth fans in “real life.” As far as I’m concerned, it’s the most compelling picture of reality available. And the most fun. My husband is an atheist / materialist and has an excellent knowledge of physics for a layperson. We talk extensively about the Seth material and I’m constantly trying to translate the ideas into terms he can relate to. It’s so much fun and I’ve often watched his eyes widen in wonder and excitement but at the end of the day he has no interest in reading the books. Ah well. What is marriage but a long, friendly debate? :wink:

It is nice to hear that Buddhism is able to satisfy your desire for community. I too am interested and excited by the work that has been done bridging the gap between Buddhist practice and scientific research. If I may ask, Is your relationship to Buddhism much complicated by your overarching belief in Seth’s teachings?

Thanks so much for sharing.

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Thanks Mike,

I will definitely keep reading and I’m excited to have found this access to other people who take the material seriously. As someone who also had a tumultuous start in life, I’m very glad to hear of your success.

I’m working though Nature of Personal Reality right now. I was thinking of reading Nature of the Psyche next, followed by Mass Events - any other recommendations? Thank you for your comments.

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memorizing your favourite parts of the material helps keep it in your mind
here is the link to my memorized Seth material posted on this site. it definitely helps.

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Hello. I found great comfort and hope in the Seth material over the course of the books I read in difficult times. Recently, I feel I have been in contact with my higher self and spirit guides and realize that I identify so much more with Jane and Rob than with Seth, which makes sense when considering that Seth, Rubert, and Joseph are a level up from ‘me’. Contemplating helping my higher self (identified as Barcaldine) create his reality for ‘Brian’ and all of the other multi-timeline personalities has really helped me let go of my perceived failures.


Hello, well yes, I keep a spreadsheet of thoughts vs appearance. Things I know are indisputable for me:

Healed my cat when no vet could
Diverted a hurricane - Hurricane Florence hit us directly for 4 days, all we had was some moldy bread and duct tape residue
My semi feral cat listened to me when I told him he was a jaguar and to go find himself…he did – that is one crazy story.
Healed a broken toe overnight
Healed my body but I refuse to say that word
Turned my job performance around
Turned another hurricane into a passing thunderstorm

I’m really stuck on money and that is a tough situation right now but everything else pretty remarkable.

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I love this list. And I super duper love that you have a spreadsheet! Would you please tell the story of the feral cat finding himself?

I can relate to the healing experiences - with cats and for myself. Healing other people seems more complicated - probably an issue of free will?

I am currently taking a Counscious Healing course, via a teacher named Thomas Hubl, and I am discovering that most (if not all) ‘blocks’ and repeated unwelcome patterns are directly related to trauma and the nervous system adaptations that result when a traumatic event is too overwhelming to cope with as it happens. Chronic stress is particularly potent. Really fascinating stuff. The course is based in the latest trauma research and a broad range of mystical principles and I have been amazed at how well it syncs with Seth’s perspectives.

Anyone who is reading this and feels an urge to connect, please reach out. I just bought a subscription to a teleconferencing service and it’s a fantastic way to safely connect and share. I would love to chat with some fellow Seth readers ‘in person’… Anyway, thanks for this post The Tide. Really great to hear from you. :slight_smile:


Hi Mel! Thanks for the welcome and also your interest in the cat story. I’m a bit geeky and discovered that if I keep a spreadsheet of thoughts/intentions, I can see the rebound into our 3D world.

And on to the cat story. I rescued a 5-6 month old kitten after a week of heavy thunderstorms on the Kansas plains. The poor little thing was crying it eyes out but was too scared to let me near. I spent a solid week, out night and day, putting out traps, food and water. He finally saw one of my other cats and followed him in through the pet door.
He slowly integrated into the household but was just terrified of everyone and everything. He never got comfortable with people at all. I eventually moved us to Texas then North Carolina.

In North Carolina, we are surrounded by a forest and marsh, near the ocean. I kept telling him to go find his “inner Jaguar”, that I knew he had a Jaguar inside him, he was brave, strong, and could slink through the forest like a Jaguar cat. I kept telling him this over and over and over, even as he hid inside closets or under the bed.

One night, I left one window open about 4" and the next morning I discovered that he had ripped a window screen open and crawled out. He never, ever, ever went outside and was terrified of all things inside and outside of the house so this was bizarre to say the least. I spent a solid month looking for him, posters, walking the neighborhood etc. and finally had to acknowledge that the coyotes had most likely gotten him if the elements didn’t.

About 2 months later, as I was sitting on the sofa, my boyfriend opened the front door and a gray cat – Sawyer’s doppelgänger – was laying there waiting for the door to open; when the door opened the cat stretched, got up and waltzed in the door, made an immediate beeline to the litter boxes in the storage area, used one then made another direct beeline to the food and water dishes in the kitchen. He then laid down to take a nap. This cat knew where both the litter boxes and food dishes were located. This was NOT Sawyer, although he was very very close in coloring. My other cat and I just looked at each other in bewilderment. This cat just made himself at home and knew where everything was located. This new cat - “Serling” (as in Twilight Zone) - is the epitome of confidence! We should all take lessons in confidence from Serling!

I know, and I know that I know, that Sawyer went and found himself as I kept telling him to do. (That is exactly how I healed my cat Hunter Thompson when no vet could cure a MRSA infection. Maybe I should call that my whispering technique?) And Sawyer returned with the new persona we now know as Serling. No one will ever be able to tell me differently or convince me otherwise.

There are strange (to us) things in this world that happen in the invisible and in this case, the Universe morphed Sawyer into Serling and returned him to me. What are the odds. I say none.


The Story of Ron and Linda’s abundance creation using Seth’s proven principals.

…for the record, Linda and I met in 1974, in Miami, Florida, and soon after, a friend of hers in another state sent her a paperback copy of Seth Speaks. Well, we were both into Metaphysics and the occult, so we read Seth Speaks, and we were moved so much by the profound information Seth gave on attracting abundance as well as creating one’s own reality, that we soon married, and launched a most wonderful reality creation together. We wished to break out of the “ho-hum-drum” mode and do something challenging and exciting.

We quit our cushy, good-paying Miami civil service jobs, moved from Florida to Virginia, where, as photographers, we quickly discovered a niche market that was not being adequately filled at that time, and that was the sore need for beautiful scenic Virginia souvenir post cards.

So we became self-employed, capitalist entrepreneurs, and started Cards Unlimited, Inc., Virginia’s only state-wide post card distributor. The existing post cards sold throughout the state were “garbage” cards, and we almost instantly took over the entire State’s post card sales market, and we then expanded into a live of photo-related souvenirs based on our creative approach to super photography. We soon had 1,000 accounts statewide, and sold 2 to 3 million cards a year.

From year, 1975 to 2000, for 25 jamb-packed years, we worked our butts off expanding our presence and coverage throughout the state’s of Virginia and West Virginia. And it paid off with sales of MEGA millions of post cards and items, and in 2000, one of our customers approached us to buy us out because of the tremendous success we were having, so, we sold out for a huge cash payment and retired relatively young, me at age 55.

The Seth material helped us make million$$$, but we did it our way and figured things out for ourselves using Seth’s principals as guidance for attracting and creating financial and spiritual abundance…we developed our talents and challenged our creative abilities and our customers rewarded us with sales.

And now I am delighted and grateful to say that beginning in spring of 2013, when Laurel Davies-Butts and I came to a mutually beneficial reality creation agreement on my obtaining Jane Robert’s rocking chair that she channeled Seth from, along with the coffee table Rob rested his feet on, and in 2014, obtaining Rob’s iconic,1968 Seth portrait, and in the next year’s all the top-tier Rob and Jane artworks and many transcripts, ESP class sessions and a wealth of Seth “goodies,” and then a few years ago, the famous Ouija board that Seth initially came through on, I now possess The Seth Museum Collection, everything uniquely “Seth.”

I am proud to say that I am the loving and respectful curator, caretaker and custodian of these wonderful Sethian objects of art, and my intent is to share them with like-minded Sethians at future Seth events, like what was just held last summer at the Seth House, 458 W. Water Street, Elmira, NY, celebrating Rob’s 100th birthday hosted by Kate and Oshara, where I personally displayed The Seth Museum Collection, and visitors from all over were treated to beholding the collection, sitting in Jane’s rocker, viewing Seth-based art, experiencing the Ouija board and much more while mingling with other Sethians. I must say that there is something unique about holding and viewing the REAL thing.

The Seth Museum Collection did not just “fly” into my possession by way of some cosmic accident, as none of the items were ever for sale on the open market, never. This was meant to be as there are no accidents and no accidental meetings - you can quote Seth on that. Seth and Jane and Rob were smiling and delighted as they were fully aware of the connections here on the earth plane from their psychic psychological vantage point. I love the possibility of The Seth Museum Collection being some day, hopefully soon, reunited with The Seth House, apartment #5, when it is owned and administered by the team of Kate and Oshara and other Sethians. The Magical Approach approaches. – Ronald H. Card on Facebook and SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues, on Facebook.


Buddhism, according to Seth, comes closest to hitting the mark, but no earth religion truly hits the mark. Consciousness is not fated to dissolve into any nirvana. – ron, SETH FORCE on Facebook.

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Haha! It makes me think of those stories of men returning from war or prison who take on the lives of their fallen friends… Thank you for sharing this. Serling/Sawyer sounds like a cool cat. :smile:

Hi, Ron, From what I have read and heard, Nirvana has never been adequately explained in the Buddhist texts/traditions. My understanding of the concept is that it is a wonderful state of existence beyond our understanding that the buddhas attain when they’ve reached the highest level of liberation or enlightenment while living on earth - and generally after living many, many lives. It seems that whatever nirvana is, or even if it is a valid concept to contemplate, isn’t important to most Buddhist practitioners, but it can be a thought exercise if that’s helpful to someone in trying to understand the universe.

I believe that the idea of nirvana came about in early Buddhism because the idea of escaping the cycle of birth and death (leaving the earth and never coming back) was ingrained in the society as the ultimate escape from suffering. I think this is an unhelpful concept, but I have friends now who have told me that when they die, they don’t want to come back because they think human society is awful. Seth’s teachings are an antidote to that useless despair. Despite this issue, there are many ways of examining the nature of reality in Buddhism that track well with Seth. Thanks for reading.

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Hi, Mel,
It looks like I never responded to this message, which I really appreciate. A friend of mine (who bought The Nature of Personal Reality a few months ago) told me last week that he couldn’t read it because of all the annoying notes that mention when Jane is smoking a cigarette, etc. He also holds onto the idea that we are victims of reality and the best we can do is to just accept things. I still love him!

So, to answer your question - my relationship to Buddhism is that I take the Buddha’s instruction that a person should figure out reality for themselves by “looking deeply” and go with that. He didn’t form a religion after all, but his followers did. Seth and Buddha would be good friends, and I’m happy that no one has turned Seth’s teachings into a religion! Truth is truth. Best wishes…

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Hi Aurore, Thanks for your interest and question. As you may know, I host my own Seth forum on Facebook, SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues, and a little background, I have been devouring and absorbing Seth and the material since 1974, and I knew Rob Butts. I am a retired photojournalist with over 50 years experience. I am also currently heavily involved in the purchase, support and restoration of 458 W. Water St., Elmira, NY, the “Seth House,” as the future focal point for Seth studies and meetings. That Facebook site is, The Seth House. I will recommend the Seth search engine, it is,, and it is not 100% complete and it abbreviates sert search results to skirt copyright infringement, so, fair use is used. You can find much on what Seth had to say about nirvana by using the search engine.

In actualty, there is no higher or lower levels of learning, some may be greater or lesser than others in terms of quality…there is the greater self, not the higher self, because there simple is no “higher” anything spiritual, nor is there an upper limit on learning, no max to the expansion of consciousness either. Identity and personality are never lost or diluted and nothing is ever lost, and no one is ever truly alone. All religions are man made and do not extend to the afterlife when one leaves physical reality. Like Jane Robert’s expressed many times in her pre-Seth “dark” pulp novels of the 50s and 60s, "The women are the creators, the men are the destroyers. Thanks again, check out SETH FORCE…ron

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The Story of Ron and Linda’s abundance creation using Seth’s proven principals.

…for the record, Linda and I met in 1974, in Miami, Florida, and soon after, a friend of hers in another state sent her a paperback copy of Seth Speaks. Well, we were both into Metaphysics and the occult, so we read Seth Speaks, and we were moved so much by the profound information Seth gave on attracting abundance as well as creating one’s own reality, that we soon married, and launched a most wonderful reality creation together. We wished to break out of the “ho-hum-drum” mode and do something challenging and exciting.

We quit our cushy, good-paying Miami civil service jobs, moved from Florida to Virginia, where, as photographers, we quickly discovered a niche market that was not being adequately filled at that time, and that was the sore need for beautiful scenic Virginia souvenir post cards.

So we became self-employed, capitalist entrepreneurs, and started Cards Unlimited, Inc., Virginia’s only state-wide post card distributor. The existing post cards sold throughout the state were “garbage” cards, and we almost instantly took over the entire State’s post card sales market, and we then expanded into a live of photo-related souvenirs based on our creative approach to super photography. We soon had 1,000 accounts statewide, and sold 2 to 3 million cards a year.

From year, 1975 to 2000, for 25 jamb-packed years, we worked our butts off expanding our presence and coverage throughout the state’s of Virginia and West Virginia. And it paid off with sales of MEGA millions of post cards and items, and in 2000, one of our customers approached us to buy us out because of the tremendous success we were having, so, we sold out for a huge cash payment and retired relatively young, me at age 55.

The Seth material helped us make million$$$, but we did it our way and figured things out for ourselves using Seth’s principals as guidance for attracting and creating financial and spiritual abundance…we developed our talents and challenged our creative abilities and our customers rewarded us with sales.

And now I am delighted and grateful to say that beginning in spring of 2013, when Laurel Davies-Butts and I came to a mutually beneficial reality creation agreement on my obtaining Jane Robert’s rocking chair that she channeled Seth from, along with the coffee table Rob rested his feet on, and in 2014, obtaining Rob’s iconic,1968 Seth portrait, and in the next year’s all the top-tier Rob and Jane artworks and many transcripts, ESP class sessions and a wealth of Seth “goodies,” and then a few years ago, the famous Ouija board that Seth initially came through on, I now possess The Seth Museum Collection, everything uniquely “Seth.”

I am proud to say that I am the loving and respectful curator, caretaker and custodian of these wonderful Sethian objects of art, and my intent is to share them with like-minded Sethians at future Seth events, like what was just held last summer at the Seth House, 458 W. Water Street, Elmira, NY, celebrating Rob’s 100th birthday hosted by Kate and Oshara, where I personally displayed The Seth Museum Collection, and visitors from all over were treated to beholding the collection, sitting in Jane’s rocker, viewing Seth-based art, experiencing the Ouija board and much more while mingling with other Sethians. I must say that there is something unique about holding and viewing the REAL thing.

The Seth Museum Collection did not just “fly” into my possession by way of some cosmic accident, as none of the items were ever for sale on the open market, never. This was meant to be as there are no accidents and no accidental meetings - you can quote Seth on that. Seth and Jane and Rob were smiling and delighted as they were fully aware of the connections here on the earth plane from their psychic psychological vantage point. I love the possibility of The Seth Museum Collection being some day, hopefully soon, reunited with The Seth House, apartment #5, when it is owned and administered by the team of Kate and Oshara and other Sethians. The Magical Approach approaches. – Ronald H. Card on Facebook and SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues, on Facebook.

I am new Seth reader from last year !
I am trying to create practical practices of Seth material and use them in my daily life ?
Why don’t we all together put ideas together to do so ?