I am in agreement with Luci.
Your issue here may be that you are problem-focusing and not solution-focusing. There is no such thing as “forcing away” in our realities. You can only draw to you what you concentrate on, thus all “forcing away” is really “pulling toward”. You only validate its existence. You wrote so much, you seem to have a lot of experience, you already mentioned affirmations, so maybe this isn’t new to you, but I would suggest a solution-oriented suggestion to your “SR”.
For instance something like this: “I suggest my body displays a calm, even response to stimuli.” Or, “I suggest my body response is appropriate and relaxed.” Something similar on these lines. Put your focus on this. Allow yourself the freedom to forget the term “SR”, or forget what limitations others may have saddled you with via diagnosis, perhaps do some present-minded exercises where things are as you desire them to be. These should be imagined and phrased positively, don’t use words like “not” or “no longer have” or “over the problem of” - talk about what you do want, not what you don’t.
Indeed you don’t want to go problem-chasing.
Also, if I read you right, you’re having difficulty clarifying what you want for yourself? I think perhaps you should allow yourself to go more general. Instead of thinking do I want this, or that, or the other thing, in 5 years, 10 years, 30 years, you can always say, “I would like clarity in my desires.” or something similar.
Because you wrote so much I fear I may be misunderstanding as well, but hopefully this is helpful.
Again I could be missing your overall point and you may already know all these things, but I will simply risk being redundant:
If you have any physical problems, concentrate instead upon the healthy portions of your body and the unimpeded functions that you have. In the healthy areas, your beliefs are working for you.
NoPR (Kindle Locations 2152-2153).
Emphasizing these quotes because I find them helpful personally.
Each day therefore is an incarnation, so to speak, but not only symbolically — for through soul’s intersection with the flesh, each self mirrors daily its “reincarnational” or simultaneous selves. The same applies on what you may think of as a more practical level, in that each day also holds within it the answers to current problems. If you are aware of a particular problem (challenge), therefore, you can be assured that its solution is as much there and with you as the problem is. (Intently:) The solution is simply the problem’s other side, upon which you may not be focusing. There will even be clear clues as to the proper direction for you to take — these will already be within your experience, but unrecognized because you are concentrating so upon the problem.
NoPR (Kindle Locations 8049-8055).
I am looking for the quote where Seth comments on the old, “ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away” by saying precisely the opposite, ignoring a problem does indeed make it go away in the majority of cases. Yes a particular challenge (better word choice) may be at the level where belief work is necessary, for sure. But even this should be “solution-oriented” so the same approach is necessary. And remember not to look for problems in the past.
If Ruburt would regard his problems as challenges then he would get much better results.
NoPR (Kindle Locations 468-469).
Best wishes James.