Seth: “Whenever you think that you have a headache, simply because you have a headache; or you bump into a door simply because you bump into a door; or you have an accident simply because you happen to be in a particluar place at a particular time; whenever you feel yourself powerless, then you think that accidents happen and that you have no control over them. The only answer is to realize that you form physical events, individually and en masse. And as I have said, time and time again, you form the physical reality that you know.”
“You know,” Rudy recalls of Seth’s “accident” explanation "at first I wasn’t satisfied with Seth’s answer. I just couldn’t understand what he meant by saying that I got ‘goodies’ from walking through a window! I mean, there I was, bleeding like a stuck pig from cuts on my hand and knee, and a guy at a booth is telling me, “Don’t worry, kid, when you get to the hospital, they’ll just cut your leg off” - as it was, my knee needed nine stitches!
“I remember we’d just come from class and I was feeling really full of exuberance,” Rudy recalls. "Really happy, you know, bounding around. Then—WHAM! Like, what a stunning blow, literally. I sat there in the restaurant, sort of swimming in and out of it, thinking, "God, if this can happen to me if I create my own reality, what next? As though I were saying to myself, “See what happens when you let go and dare trust yourself? You get slapped down!” And the owner of the place was freaking out about her window…
“Then Seth hit me with the core of it all - that I was dealing with invisible beliefs! That this was what I’d set myself up to do; that I couldn’t trust my own energy; that I felt afraid of it and felt that my own energy could destroy me. And it’s true that right after it happened, I felt wierdly relieved and happy! As though I’d found out that I could survive; that I could trust my body not to get hurt in spite of such a terrible accident - and Seth came right down on that.”
Conversations with Seth, book one, chapter 6, pages 122-123
(25th Anniversary Edition) © Susan M. Watkins