I thought this was worth posting as it brings the cutting edge of science in quantum physics very much in line with ideas that Seth described back in 1964.
Remember the session where Seth talks about each person creating their own construction of reality, using the example of a glass on the table?
"(An empty glass rested on the table before me. Jane picked it up by way of emphasis.)
If five people stand observing that glass, or rather if five people seem to be observing that glass, you have five different glasses, not one. Each person constructs that glass in terms of his own personal perspective.
Therefore, given the five people, there are five different perspectives and space continuums in which a glass exists. Each of the five people is aware of only one space continuum, his own, in which his physical construction exists. However each of the five people has constructed a glass. In fact you have five physical glasses.
Each physical glass is constructed of quite real molecules and atoms, which have their own generalized consciousness and capsule comprehension, and which form together in the gestalt called a glass.
If ten people seemingly observe this glass, you have ten personal perspectives that actually exist, ten space continuums, and ten actual glasses. Each individual is completely unaware of the other perspectives. It is as if they did not exist. Mathematically this can be worked out. The space continuums are created by each individual, in which he forms his own physical constructions."
—TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964
Compare this with the results of an experiment which gives strong evidence that a thought expermient called ‘Wigner’s Friend’ has validity in the real world. Basically, people can make seperate measurements of a photon of light and arrive at different results, and yet both can be correct:
The authors of the new study found that even in their doubled scenario, the results described by Wigner held. Alice and Bob could arrive at conclusions about the photons that were correct and provable and that yet still differed from the observations of their friends — which were also correct and provable, according to the study.
However, if measurements themselves aren’t absolutes — as these new findings suggest — that challenges the very meaning of quantum mechanics.
“It seems that, in contrast to classical physics, measurement results cannot be considered absolute truth but must be understood relative to the observer who performed the measurement,” Ringbauer said.
“The stories we tell about quantum mechanics have to adapt to that,” he said.
It seems to me like we are getting closer step by step to proving what Seth said all along - you construct your own version of reality, and you see only what you yourself have constructed.