Sasquatch search

Hi - I had a Sasquatch dream recently and wanted to see if Seth had commented at some time. I see a reference to a session on Sasquatch on January 10, 1984. the comment provided through the Seth Talks search engine is dated January 11 with Rob saying he would write the notes up. I couldn’t find them. Any ideas?

Hi Beckie
The reference you are looking for is there in Way Toward Health Chapter 1. It is Session Jan 10, 1984. I think you don’t find it in the search because Seth doesn’t label them Sasquatch, but just calls them an upright species.
The passage begins “*There are indeed two different kinds of upward-walking mammals, much like your own species, but much larger, and with infinitely keener senses.”
Fascinating information.

You can read that passage, Liza found, here:

or here:"There+are+multitudinous+species+of+viruses+and+so+forth+that+man+has+not+encountered+and+recognized,+and+there+are+connections+between+viruses+and+other+species+of+living+matter+that+remain+unknown"&source=bl&ots=cebSxTdDDO&sig=ACfU3U1vFgnlbZtqTiWDFY5NGM4i1NLyng&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIvuTl5t7pAhUPCs0KHapUAmQQ6AEwAHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q="There%20are%20multitudinous%20species%20of%20viruses%20and%20so%20forth%20that%20man%20has%20not%20encountered%20and%20recognized%2C%20and%20there%20are%20connections%20between%20viruses%20and%20other%20species%20of%20living%20matter%20that%20remain%20unknown"&f=false

@inavalan - thanks, this is great.

Thanks for digging that up @liza