And here’s a couple Seth quotes:
ES2-63 Pg 164 … It is true that each of you constructs his own physical universe, and responds to it. It is also true however, that through continuous telepathy you are acquainted with the ideas of others… and while you construct and see your own, you also construct any given material object taking into consideration its approximate size, width, thickness and location, as received through telepathy from others.
Nevertheless, the objects are simply not the same objects. You do not see, feel, smell or touch the same object. I will shock you further by stating that, in your terms, the objects do not even exist in the same space, but in the personal self-perspective space, formed and created by any given individual.”
Me: Just in case you missed that our creation of objective reality is not a joint construction, Seth waited till the next session to reinforce it.
ES2-64, Pg. 173-174 “These are completely separate constructions of energy into matter. You do not — and I repeat: you do not — perceive all constructions into matter. … There are, obviously, many points to be explained, but there are absolutely no exceptions to it. Telepathy is one of the main binders in the world of constructions. The similarities, and there may be an almost endless number of constructions of what you might call one physical object, the similarities only seem so great because you see so little. …
Although it will surely sound complicated, let us for a moment once more return to a consideration of this chair.
The chair, as constructed by Rubert, is constructed constantly when he is in the room. It is partially constructed by him when he is in another room of your apartment.
When he is not at all concerned with the chair, he does not bother to construct it.”
Me: In other words, when I’m NOT thinking of the stars and planets and the great wall of china or the NYC twin towers, they are NOT constructed. They do not exist in the matter of my objective reality.