The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

Not only do such states of mind lower the defenses, however, but they activate and change the body’s chemistries, alter its balances, and initiate disease conditions. Many viruses, inherently capable of causing death, in normal conditions contribute to the overall health of the body, existing side by side as it were with other viruses, each contributing quite necessary activities that maintain bodily equilibrium.

If [certain viruses] are triggered, however, to higher activity or overproduction by mental states, they then become “deadly”. Physically they may be passed on in whatever manner is peculiar to a specific strain. Literally, individual mental problems of sufficient severity emerge as social, mass diseases.

The environment in which an outbreak occurs points at the political, sociological, and economic conditions that have evolved, causing such disorder. Often such outbreaks take place after ineffective political or social action – that is, after some unified mass social protest – has failed or is considered hopeless. They often occur also in wartime on the part of a populace [that] is against a given war in which [its] country is involved.

Initially there is a psychic contagion: Despair moves faster than a mosquito or any outward carrier of a given disease. The mental state brings about the activation of a virus that is, in those terms, passive.

Despair may seem passive only because it feels that exterior action is hopeless – but its fires rage inwardly, and that kind of contagion can leap from bed to bed and from heart to heart. It touches those, however, who are in the same state only, and to some extent it brings about an acceleration in which something can indeed be done in terms of group action.

Now if you believe in one life only, then such conditions will seem most disastrous, and in your terms they clearly are not pretty. Yet, though each victim in an epidemic may die his or her own death, that death becomes part of a mass social protest. The lives of intimate survivors are shaken, and according to the extent of the epidemic the various elements of social life itself are disturbed, altered, rearranged. Sometimes such epidemics are eventually responsible for the overthrow of governments, the loss of wars.

There are also even deeper biological connections with the heart of nature. You are biological creatures. Your proud human consciousness rests on the vast “unconscious” integrity of your physical being. In that regard your consciousness is as natural as your toe. In terms of the species’ integrity your mental states are, then, highly important. Despair or apathy is a biological “enemy”. Social conditions, political states, economic policies, and even religious or philosophical frameworks that foster such mental states bring about a biological retaliation. They act like fire applied to a plant.

The epidemics then serve many purposes – warning that certain conditions will not be tolerated. There is a biological outrage that will be continually expressed until the conditions are changed.

1977.04.25 (Session 802: Individual and the Nature of Mass Events)


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I renamed your topic and categorized it excerpts for you. :wink:

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OK thanks. The site is coming along nicely :slight_smile:

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The following Seth quotes are from Vol. I of The Early Sessions by Jane Roberts, copyrighted

in 1997 by Robert Butts:

“Incidentally, your universe as not created by all entities, but only by the entities that needed a particular kind of experience. The fact that manipulation is important upon your plane is one of the main causes for wars.” p. 237

“…War does not exist on other planes. It exists on your plane as a byproduct of certain challenges which the creator-entities wished to solve through materialization.” p. 238

"Joseph was right when he spoke of entities creating stages upon which to act out their problems. The point of course being that once the play begins the actors are so completely immersed in their roles that
they forget that they themselves wrote the play, constructed the sets, or are even acting. The reason for this is rather apparent.

"If you know that a situation is imaginary you are not going to bother trying to solve it. This way you have your actors taking the situation as it seems to be, but looking about in some amazement now and then to wonder how they got where they are, who constructed the stage and so forth. They do not realize that the whole thing is self-created nor should they in the main, since the urgency to solve problems would dissolve.

"I am not worried that I am going to disturb the balance that exists, far from it. The fact is that realization to some degree can come and often does come after the play is well under way, and at this point the camouflage action is so involved that the realization itself appears in the framework of the camouflage, and is often indistinguishable from it. p.240

"…although in one way the birds that were killed were meeting a natural end, the reason behind this end was wrong in terms of emotional value and he [Ruburt]sensed this. It goes without saying that a bird’s death is inevitable, but a cat killing a bird does not have to juggle the same sort of values with which man is concerned.

…Suffice it to say that to kill for self-protection or even to kill a natural prey on your plane does not involve you in what we may call for the first time, I believe, karmic consequences.

“To kill for nothing more serious than convenience or to kill for the sake of killing involves rather dire consequences on your plane, and the emotion or emotional value behind such killing is often as important as what is killed. That is the lust for killing is also a matter that brings dire consequences regardless of, in many cases, the particular living thing or things that is killed.” p. 242

"The problems that a country must work out merely represent the problems set by the personality inhabitants for themselves, and the country is merely the framework of such activities. There is a close bond between reincarnational cycles and earthly historical periods that we will discuss later. Sometimes though not always personalities who need a certain experience will be born into a particular country or race. I have been somewhat avoiding this whole issue since delicate balances are interconnected, and the question of the Jews is one that must bother all men.

"It is true that your history shows a continuity of Jewish persecutions, that is persecutions of Jews. The fact is that many personalities who have been famous in many eras have also been proud, brilliant and cruel, and have belittled and persecuted those they considered beneath them.

"These personalities, often talented in many directions and often with past experiences of wealth and power, choose to be born as Jews of their own volition, and this is a karmic compensation, not in any
sense punishment but needed adjustment on the part of the personalities involved.

"The horrible misdeed committed upon the Jews by the Germans were certainly not asked for specifically. However large numbers of those Jews were Huns of a very cruel variety in a past existence.

"The Germans of that particular generation were not revenging past misdeeds. Revenge has no place in this discussion. In one sense there is no excuse for what occurred. The Jewish people have always

displayed great financial abilities, these being natural remnants of knowledge of wealth, as in previous lives many of them had positions of power which they misused.

"Your generation as a whole had to learn the importance of thought and responsibility. You had to learn that basically to hate is to kill. The lesson was a practical one. The Germans and the Jews made it
plain. Had the hatred not existed in the Germans, it could not have been channeled as it was against the Jews. Free will operated here as always.

"…Killing except for self-protection will be paid for. The idea of killing is what is at fault. If you agree with the killing of birds for example, you wind up with the killing of men. You will all be taught the sacredness of all life, and in the most practical way.

"There is a very practical reason for a reverence for all life, and very practical reasons why man must learn certain facts that up to this point he has considered impractical. He has usually managed to separate his ethical conceptions from his daily business life, but this shall be increasingly difficult for him to manage.

"Until you learn reverence for all living things you will continue to slaughter each other. Again, this does not involve punishment in any sense of the word, but the idea of killing permissiveness is not discriminating. Once you allow yourselves to kill you will kill any living thing. In future lives this involves the race in further adjustments.

"A reverence for life is a saving characteristic of any personality who has it. It adds of itself important elements of understanding and growth in a direct manner. Reverence for life will also enable you to understand and deal with other human beings in a more kindly and beneficial manner.

“It will enable you to act and to help without blaming them for shortcomings, since these shortcomings may actually have been chosen by them for reasons of compensation. I do not want this session to run too long, however the reverence for life is so important that I wanted to underline it, and also to emphasize that it includes all life and man himself.” pp. 247-251



Interesting quotes to resonate upon in regards to the recent political situation with Trump and Charlottesville. Anyone know if Seth had quotes in regards to US History i.e. Native Americans and Trans Atlantic Slave Trade?

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I agree, nostalgic. Upon reading the excerpts above about killing and reverence for all life being essential, I was struck by the part that said, “hatred is killing”. Hatred IS killing. I have never consciously thought of hate in this way, but I daresay it is the reason why I always heard my mother always told me, “Don’t hate. Never hate. Don’t even use the word.” My mother was a wise and very old soul.

I still catch myself when I say something like, " Man, I HATE that!" Even if I don’t always amend my speech out loud, I always do in my head. The expression has become so common in our day that we don’t even realize we are saying it!

Your comment about the quote being interesting in relation to Trump and Charlottesville also struck me since the same thought came to me as soon as I read that “hate is killing.” Trump did not start or even worsen the hate we see so clearly being manifest in the USA lately, but he has, in my opinion, been chosen by us within this particular race correction to bring forth our collective awareness of this underlying negative force which has for so long impeded our planetary growth. He’s doing a check of a job! Bring it on, Trump. It’s all good!