I find this funny and fascinating as a topic. In another post Rachael from Seth Talks quote posted about Rudy, an original class member of Jane and Robs, walking through a plate glass window and getting all cut up and injured, while he struggled with his fear of “invisible beliefs.” His pain is not funny, but the event he created is.
Seth told Jane that her arthritis was a result of repressing movement impulses. As mentioned in the preamble to Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.
I myself, in my marriage to my now “ex,” from repressing and ignoring strong impulses to get out of that marriage and move on, developed a “tired” disease, where my own body attacked the thyroid gland and rendered me constantly exhausted and too tired to move or do much of anything.
It might just be hindsight, but it seems so obvious, how the illness or accident matches up with the metaphysical and emotional situation.