Thoughts about the World?

@ Whirled_Peas

Sorry that I say that: what a bad post! Almost every idea!

You feel that you are right, and whoever and whatever contradicts your feelings must be and is wrong, and you feel entitled to say it loudly with disdain. Still, you’re sure that you’re a good person, and that you spiritually contribute to the progress and welfare of the world. What a bunch of … nonsense!

You still don’t realize the basic Sethian tenet: you create your reality! If it isn’t what you want, you can’t blame anybody else!

Hi Inavalan,
Is there such a thing as a “bad” post? Good, bad, right or wrong, it is just my opinion, my thinking at the time. I will re-read it and see if I can figure out what ticked you off so much, because I do value your thinking and the thoughts you share on various topics and points…

So…after re-reading it, I can not figure out what it was that got you so riled up. I agree we create our own reality. And I struggle with the occasional feeling of wondering why I am here on this planet at this time. I have created a very happy and good life for myself and I am not in the throws of panic about any of what is going on globally, but at the same time, I can see that there is pain and suffering that is happening to others and other species around me. And ofcourse, it boils down to the notion of “are we our brothers keepers?” Do we or should we care about the life quality of those around us, both human and animal, fish or bird. Should I be willing to participate in the creation of pain for others, even if they, on some level want to experience that pain if it causes me so much discomfort? Am I wrong for seeing that or feeling that? I dunno.

I just listened to an hour and half youtube video of a gentleman reading from “The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.” A Seth book. And it spoke of our relationship with everyone and everything on this planet. And I am even more convinced that we do indeed have a relationship with everyone and everything on this planet. And that because we participate in that creation we are part of it and have choices about it. To continue, to change, to make a better place and situation for all other species.

The most interesting part of the above mentioned book, is that a plague or mass virus outbreak is a result of a mass consciousness explosion of emotion that results from the lack of quality of life, that it is also a comment or protest as it were, to a larger situation where there is an overwhelming amount of suffering and degradation to the “quality of life of a species or group.” In this case I think about, not that animals are being used for food, but how they are raised. The cruel conditions of life in commercial pork, chicken and beef facilities. You must admit, this is not the animals creations it is our human creation. And is at the heart of many viruses, like Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Mad Cow disease, Mars, Sars, Covid, and the list goes on. Is it a coincidence that the outbreaks of these viruses are literally coming from these places where animals are so cruelly treated, is it a global spiritual comment?

The points make sense, and they are directly from a Seth book, but like any information they are bounced off of the person who is reading them and reflected by that own person’s beliefs; spiritual, physical and psychological.

So rather than just saying, “bad post” belly up to the bar and have an actual conversation, not just trying to tell me off like I am a small child being scolded by a parent.

The youtube video reading from the book

I replied to what I read in your post:

I felt I needed to express my disaccord with the ideas stated in that post. I don’t think there is anything more to say. There is no point in arguing our different views neither on Seth, nor on the rest.

Take care

I would agree that there is no point in discussing Seth’s ideas and interpretations on a Seth discussion site.

You see, that’s why I wanted to cut it short. You can’t let go, because you have doubts, which conflicts with what you believe about yourself.

We discussed already. We have different points of view, not only on this thread. Going beyond would mean to argue, not discuss, which I generally avoid.

In this last post you intentionally stated a wrong conclusion. You don’t want to discuss Seth. You want to prove me wrong. You can’t.

I explained this to you as clearly as I can, although to me you’re now a Zeland pendulum.

Gosh Inavalan, it was a joke, I was being ironical, that on a Seth site you assumed I would not be up for a Seth conversation. You know, humor? It was not said in anger nor did I mean to provoke an angry response from you.

And I still do not understand your reactions, as to me they seem totally unprovoked. But, yes, if you are feeling so much unease with the topic or comment I made, I appreciate your peacefully moving on and will do the same. Go in peace.

To me this sounds like escapism. While yes your intentions will help lead the direction of your… Ship so to speak. Your vessel needs action to set the sails, raise anchor, and steer into the world’s currents that are heading for that direction.
I can definitely entertain the idea that this planet is a classroom in experiencing creative action, thoughts and symbols manifested into our fine focus to be experienced and understood.

You say you think we’ll live on another planet once we’re dead, escaping the reality we’ve contributed to. If this planet is a classroom what would it have to teach? It has shown throughout history we each have the individual willpower to shape it and grow with it. From ourselves, to family, to community to all of mankind. The test of a lifetime.
“Will you recognize your will and desire?”
Seems depressing and counter intuitive to wait forever for that moment that would literally only be able to be realized for you, by you.

I think @inavalan instinctively felt upset by your post because they express a rather submissive life and go against realizing Seth’s idea. It becomes an existential comfort, put bluntly, for non-action in other words death. Yes the animals suffer because of our collective numbing and desire for quick dirty yet efficient and cost effective memeing of nature as a product. And our consistent individual slow action/non-action to evolve this upset in our reality is exactly what keeps that very horrific way of life consistently appearing. Everything you do is rippling across realities beyond realities, your daily routine and acceptance of the cultural practices is exactly what keeps this cycle in loop.

Like I do understand the comfort and I even wished, that as a possibility I’d be sent to another world but that’s just a nice little lie we tell to escape from the world we have right now. You understand? @inavalan definitely jumped the gun and wasn’t really clear with getting you to understand his side. You’re very kind @Whirled_Peas

Hi Sro,
I can see where you would think it is escapism, but it is really about trying to make sense of what I see around me, trying to figure out a way to walk in this world and not feel crazy from what chaos I see around me.
As beings of the universe I would imagine that there are other times and places that we incarnate into and from. So, an off planet incarnation does not seem that far fetched.
But interesting point, am I using it as a form of escapism? Mostly I think I am using it as a way to figure out how involved I should or shouldn’t be in what I consider to be another person’s plight. Or even animals plight. Or the planets plight.
It seems a fine line, “we all create our own reality so therefore what happens to another is no concern of ours.” On one hand I certainly get that, on the other, just because someone or some animal wants to experience pain, does not mean I have to participate or turn a blind eye to it. And am I seeing it because it needs a different energy imput. Are some situations here in order to put energy into them and change things?
Sometimes I think you can Seth yourself into a catch-22.
But I do take care of this planet to the best of my abilities, as well as the other beings on it. I do not use my “classroom” theory as an excuse to not live, do nothing, not care, or wait until I graduate.


The world is unfolding as it should and everything is right on time. – ron

@Ron :

I believe that such a statement

is detrimental. It suggests that we’re some kind of puppets manipulated by a “higher power”, and we are condemned to be reactive. This contradicts what I believe, and Seth’s teachings too about free-will and creating your own reality.

The world doesn’t “unfold as it should”, there si no predetermination, and there isn’t any “on time” gauge, no matter what “time” might anybody look at, in my opinion.

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The world’s mass-shared reality IS unfolding as it should as we create our own reality individually and en masse, all together, and all together the world does, indeed, unfold. For example, my individual reality is unfolding as it should because I see to it that it does because of my beliefs, intents, expectations, attitudes and desires, and so is yours even though you may not realize it. You either create your own reality or you don’t and that is a loaded statement. – ron

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@Ron : I believe that we have a different understanding of reality. When you say “mass-shared reality”, I’m tempted to think that you misunderstood Seth on this. There is no objective reality, and no agreement per se.

In your above post you just repeated some cliches, which makes it difficult to believe that you had something more concrete to say on the subject.

I don’t want to offend you, but I begin to understand why some posters get aggravated: it sounds like you pretend more than you know. There might just be that the way you express yourself makes people believe that you don’t really understand some of Seth’s concepts.


By the way … You can’t not create your reality. Maybe you wanted to say it differently.

Those who don’t acknowledge and understand that they do, indeed, create their own reality, wonder why their lives unfold as seeming victims of circumstances not in their control. You control your life or you don’t…life controls you. – ron

The overall condition, conditions of earth reality, the whole ball of wax at any given time-frame, if you will, are the direct result of mass-shared beliefs on a grand scale. On the other hand, the individual condition of any person is direct result of their personal beliefs. Reality is the result of beliefs. The world is the results of its beliefs and you are the results of your beliefs. Not aggravating, but true. – ron

@ron: In your opinion, is there an objective reality you observe?

Here’s the last portion of UN-published Seth Session 748, for June 2, 1975, a Seth session on Christ, and there’s no book reference, as this and other unpublished Seth sessions are found in my Rob’s transcript volume #18, that Laurel gave me a few years ago as a unique volume because it contained ten unpublished Seth sessions.
Here Seth mentions that the Biblical texts were rewritten and revised and edited and manipulated many times over by the Catholic Church before they came down to us from centuries of history as the printed Christian Bible. But nothing is more real to some as the myths and legends in the books of the Bible.

Seth: “The exploits of the historical Christ were composed of the activities of several men, wound into myth and fantasy – woven into a tale so SPECTACULAR, however, that it changed the course of civilization. Christianity IS SO IMPORTANT PRECISELY BECAUSE it is not based upon that realm of activity that you call fact.

Christianity gained its VITALITY because its roots SUPERSEDED the world of fact, and formed the legend of a man called Christ, who within himself contained the most divine attributes that man could imagine, and gave birth in an historical context to an understandable picture of man’s greater reality. Men believed what they wanted to believe, and so from the lives of several men they formed a legend – each believing the legend to be true. One of the men, Paul, was a charlatan. Yet he was a miracle-worker, for he inflamed men’s imaginations and in his deception proved the validity of a vision in which he himself did not believe.

Now, the story of Paul comes down to you, and the story of his miraculous conversion — yet there were numberless unknown others as “legitimately” struck by God — awakened into truth, who followed OTHER Gods, other pathways that were NOT accepted in your historic line of continuity. None of this contradicts the existence of the Christ spirit — which ALWAYS EXISTED despite, or separate from, the individual or individuals involved.

There were miracle-workers all over Jerusalem. Rome was dead already, and no FIRE was burning. That fire became Christianity, but it burned messiahs in its wake. Early Christianity was filled with fire, and only its ORIENTAL connections gave it touches of mercy.

The TEXTS were rewritten time and time again. In some ways Paul destroyed more than he saved. It took centuries for the theories to jell.”

Seth’s unpublished session 748 for June 2, 1975

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Do share more my friend. This is very intriguing information you have here.

Hi Sro, why not follow me on Facebook, let’s be friends. I happen to have 4,794 fFB riends and 1,500 members of my Seth forum on FB. I am…Ronald H. Card, and I host, SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues, and I share my nightly Seth work to eight other FB Seth forums where, altogether, I reach thousands of Seth enthusiasts. Have a look, thanks, ron.

@ron : That kind of material is also presented, quite extensively, in the Chapter 21 “The Meaning of Religion”, started in Session 585, May 12, 1971," from Seth’s first dictated book “Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul”.

I’m sure you know that, but I mentioned it for those who don’t, and are interested to find out more.

I don’t think that you replied to my question:

Surely, you don’t have to.