Where is Seth now? Is there any more contact with either Ruburt or Seth?

Well, well, Whirled Peas just screwed up…Big time! But I don’t think she realizes the implications of her statement, LOL. So now, what she says is that SHE, Whirled Peas, CONTROLS THE FUTURE! Yes, she even controls Seth’s future, and Seth can’t even belch unless he asks her for a permission slip to belch…LOL. She, now speaks for Seth! LOL. What about that 19 years of 'lost" Seth he had already prepared, and his Christ book, and his other books? Seth wants you to THINK…ron.

It takes courage to link up directly with source. No middle man is required. And no one holds ownership over any information that is freely given by source.
Where do you all think Seth got his information? Not from a book, and certainly not from someone who is posing as the middle man to Seth (coughs and mutters Ron under her breath) and the information Seth was given or linked into.
It is the difference between a real cook and someone who follows a recipe, or the other analogy that at some point if you want to learn to ride a bike, you have to remove the training wheels.
At some point if you really want to get this stuff, you have to start listening directly to Source. And when you do, all the information that Seth obtained, you will also obtain.

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Seth…“those who speak on my behalf” …Seth: “I will be around to inspire you.” …Those who can learn can also teach…ron is a personality with a message who needs no permission slip to promote non-religious spiritual philosophy with a great Sethian 'bent."…you see. Boon doing such since 1974 when I read Seth Speaks and drove to meet Rob butts in Elmira in 1999.

BEEN doing such…LOL…ron

I guess you meant Rob’s butt … (?) (kidding :))

Yes, Robert Fabian Butts…ron

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Priceless mate. Love it.

Hey dude, can you point me to the exact passage where Seth stated this last bit? I’ve read his book imside out three times in 10 uears and i think i must have missed that… Mercy buckers!

Woah wo

Woah woah woah, hang on a second. You talk to other people about projecting. And here you are doing just that. Ron, thats not nice. And is rather negative sounding. Ahem. There is no such thing as ‘lost time’. Where could it be lost to, or from for that matter? Oh dear, ron, i thought your posts sounded a bit ‘wordy’, and on that i wouldn’t generally comment, nor mind for that matter. But this hear is passive aggressive as fuck. Not kind, not nice, not positive, and given i have seen you claiming your only about positivity, this is a little off that brand. Its cool to be you ron, but its hard for anyone to take that shit seriously my lovely. Potentially you don’t care, most likely not, i wouldn’t. But I’m really down with whirled peas. And that didn’t sound as if that was what she was saying one bit. Really don’t know how you got there.

Cate, Ron can’t find it because Seth NEVER said it. Ron is lying. He is making it up.

THIS is what Seth, Jane and Rob said. And he NEVER said what Ron lies about. Here again are my latest more complete 21 excerpts from Seth, Jane and Rob clearly stating that Seth would ONLY communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material; as well as avoid great distortions. CAPS and bold if that comes thru—are for emphasis only:


Seth (Session 454, 12-7-68, Early Sessions 9): “My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me**…I WILL NEVER SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE OTHER THAN RUBURT**, simply because there MUST NEVER BE ANY DOUBT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SETH MATERIAL.” end qt

Seth (Session 510, 1-19-70, Seth Speaks):

"MY COMMUNICATIONS WILL COME EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH (JANE) AT ALL TIMES, to protect the integrity of the material…” end qt

Seth (Session 15, 1-13-64, Early Sessions 1): "Joseph, your part in these sessions is extremely important. WITHOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEGUN, NOR COULD THEY CONTINUE. Because of our past alliances the three of us are closely bound together. However, I need the two of you in order to come through at all.”

Seth (Session 58, 6-1-64): “RUBURT and myself are offshoots of the same entity…And now, my dear patient JOSEPH, may I tell you THAT YOU ARE ALSO PART OF THAT SAME ENTITY - AND THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I AM ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BOTH."

Seth (Session 170): “My concern is with the material I am presenting…RUBURT (LOUDER) WILL PRESENT MY MATERIAL FOR MEIt is largely disregarded, the sort of personality which is required in this endeavor. It simply happens that because of past relationships I know Ruburt well, and Ruburt knows me FAR better than he imagines. He knows well who I am, and I know who he is…NOR SHOULD JOSEPH’S PART IN THIS ENDEAVOR BE FORGOTTEN. It is more complicated than you may suppose. Now, I have trained Ruburt and taught Ruburt so that his valid clairvoyant experiences can be put on some sort of scientific basis…He is an intelligent and intuitional personality, and should be given credit.” end qt

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives, or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…" end qt

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69, Early Sessions 9): "Now, when you see what Ruburt can do occasionally, and the troubles I can have with distortion, then you can be sure that **I WOULD NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THE CHANCES FOR DISTORTION BY ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE ELSE…**There is also something else that he seems to have forgotten–that your own relationships, yours (Rob’s) and Ruburt’s and the relationships BETWEEN US in the past, do much to make our communications possible.” end qt

Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”

Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…

“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”

Seth (ESP Class, 4-17-73): “If you are quick, and if you are intuitive, and if you are courageous, and if some evening you listen to my voice in the proper mood**, then you can follow YOURSELF to the heart of yourself, using the voice as a road or vehicle.**”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "Even in God of Jane, which was published in 1981, Jane presented some relatively late material from Seth to show that he doesn’t independently communicate with others. The idea that he’d done so can be inspiring….Seth stated: ‘Now, I did not communicate with those women – but their belief in me helped each of them use certain abilities.’”

Seth (Session 47): “This material WITH ALL MY BEST EFFORTS, and with yours (Rob & Jane), of necessity must contain distortions merely in order to make itself exist at all on your planeANY material, to exist on your plane…MUST be somewhat distorted. I must use phrases with which your minds are somewhat familiar…If I did not take advantage of your own camouflage system, then YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL…Inner data…MUST make its entry through some distortion… THIS MATERIAL IS MORE VALID THAN ANY MATERIAL POSSIBLE ON YOUR PLANE.”

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Several people have told me that Seth communicated with them through AUTOMATIC WRITING, but Seth denies any such contacts, saying that HIS COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO HIS WORK WITH ME, in order that the INTEGRITY of the Seth Material be preserved.”

Seth (Session 876, 8-27-79): "A woman wrote that she was involved with. . . correspondences in which I was communicating with her, and she was certain that this would prove beyond a doubt my own independent nature, since I [would have given] messages to another medium besides Ruburt. The woman was quite convinced of that.

"Other people have written that I have given them such messages. Another woman DREAMED of me; and had an experience in which a child was definitely healed. Now, I did not communicate with those women—BUT THEIR BELIEF IN ME HELPED EACH OF THEM USE CERTAIN ABILITIES. One woman has done some writing—not very good—but still, those abilities came to the fore. The other woman was able to use her OWN healing abilities.”

Jane (God of Jane, 1981): "(A) man ‘in contact’ with Seth…wanted to inform me that I’d distorted Seth’s material on Christ, **and that Seth had TOLD him so!..**Good Christ!’ I muttered irritably to Rob when I read the letter. What about the other two people who wrote last year, each with their own versions of Christ’s life, each contradicting the other, and each supposedly containing corrections from Seth?’…

I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted about Christ’s life – that HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS." end qt

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "… How come those other people made their ‘Seths’ known AFTER Jane began to speak for HER Seth, and to publish the Jane-Seth material? Being inspired to use one’s own abilities is a perfectly understandable development that we can be very happy about. But to claim to speak for Jane’s Seth…is quite another thing."

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69): “IT IS QUITE NATURAL THAT OTHERS…who are experimenting SHOULD GO THROUGH A STAGE IN WHICH IT SEEMS TO THEM THEY ARE RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM ME. Suggestion operates, and any trance deeper than ordinary for them can be interpreted in these terms.”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books …realize that the authorities know far less than they originally supposed. They are afraid, however, of going out on their own, so to speak…

"They do not trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them

"… and since they distrust themselves they cannot really understand how the two of YOU trust yourselves as much as you do. They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….” end qt

Seth (ESP Class, 12-19-72): “Seth Speaks should be called You Speak and You Speak and You Speak. SO LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.”

Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT … Or worse–wants Clark Kent to shout out from the phone booth, or wherever: “You can do (YOUR VERSION) of this too because we ALL have a reality in which we are Clark Kent AND Superman at one and the same time”? Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.

"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN. They do NOT want my AUTHORITY questioned…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL they would have FAR better sense than Ruburt, and they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand that Ruburt’s questions, and YOURS (Rob’s), your sense of integrity, are partially responsible for a “superman” rather than a SUPERMOUSE.” end qt

**Barrie Comments: This concludes my currently list of excerpts. Does anyone REALLY believe after hearing ALL that Seth and Jane said–that he would simply CHANGE his mind AFTER Jane’s death and contaminate his material by now communicating thru ANYONE who asks? Or that he said ANYWHERE “while Jane was still alive” as if AFTER she dies, he would not longer care about the integrity and authenticity of the material.


Ron, you are the master of straw man arguments and manipulation. You are like FOX News of the Seth World. Seth NEVER said that he would only communicate via Jane while she was alive. You MADE THAT UP. In other words, you LIED about it. Seth said he would only communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material.

Do you expect anyone would believe that AFTER Jane died, he then would NO longer care about the integrity and authenticity of the material? Not only that, but he would now communicate via anyone and every who asks–let only as he said–no one but Jane. Seth must be delusional then…or maybe you are.

To repeat, altho you have actively IGNORED what Seth has said for years–and just make things up…but to repeat…for those who may not realize it, THIS is what Seth ACTUALLY SAID. Here are my latest more complete 21 excerpts from Seth, Jane and Rob clearly stating that Seth would ONLY communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material; as well as avoid great distortions. CAPS and bold if that comes thru—are for emphasis only:


Seth (Session 454, 12-7-68, Early Sessions 9): “My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me**…I WILL NEVER SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE OTHER THAN RUBURT**, simply because there MUST NEVER BE ANY DOUBT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SETH MATERIAL.”

Seth (Session 510, 1-19-70, Seth Speaks):

"MY COMMUNICATIONS WILL COME EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH (JANE) AT ALL TIMES, to protect the integrity of the material…”

Seth (Session 15, 1-13-64, Early Sessions 1): "Joseph, your part in these sessions is extremely important. WITHOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEGUN, NOR COULD THEY CONTINUE. Because of our past alliances the three of us are closely bound together. However, I need the two of you in order to come through at all.”

Seth (Session 58, 6-1-64): “RUBURT and myself are offshoots of the same entity…And now, my dear patient JOSEPH, may I tell you THAT YOU ARE ALSO PART OF THAT SAME ENTITY - AND THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I AM ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BOTH."

Seth (Session 170): “My concern is with the material I am presenting…RUBURT (LOUDER) WILL PRESENT MY MATERIAL FOR MEIt is largely disregarded, the sort of personality which is required in this endeavor. It simply happens that because of past relationships I know Ruburt well, and Ruburt knows me FAR better than he imagines. He knows well who I am, and I know who he is…NOR SHOULD JOSEPH’S PART IN THIS ENDEAVOR BE FORGOTTEN. It is more complicated than you may suppose. Now, I have trained Ruburt and taught Ruburt so that his valid clairvoyant experiences can be put on some sort of scientific basis…He is an intelligent and intuitional personality, and should be given credit.”

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives, or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69, Early Sessions 9): "Now, when you see what Ruburt can do occasionally, and the troubles I can have with distortion, then you can be sure that **I WOULD NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THE CHANCES FOR DISTORTION BY ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE ELSE…**There is also something else that he seems to have forgotten–that your own relationships, yours (Rob’s) and Ruburt’s and the relationships BETWEEN US in the past, do much to make our communications possible.”

Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”

Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…

“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”

Seth (ESP Class, 4-17-73): “If you are quick, and if you are intuitive, and if you are courageous, and if some evening you listen to my voice in the proper mood**, then you can follow YOURSELF to the heart of yourself, using the voice as a road or vehicle.**”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "Even in God of Jane, which was published in 1981, Jane presented some relatively late material from Seth to show that he doesn’t independently communicate with others. The idea that he’d done so can be inspiring….Seth stated: ‘Now, I did not communicate with those women – but their belief in me helped each of them use certain abilities.’”

Seth (Session 47): “This material WITH ALL MY BEST EFFORTS, and with yours (Rob & Jane), of necessity must contain distortions merely in order to make itself exist at all on your planeANY material, to exist on your plane…MUST be somewhat distorted. I must use phrases with which your minds are somewhat familiar…If I did not take advantage of your own camouflage system, then YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL…Inner data…MUST make its entry through some distortion… THIS MATERIAL IS MORE VALID THAN ANY MATERIAL POSSIBLE ON YOUR PLANE.”

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Several people have told me that Seth communicated with them through AUTOMATIC WRITING, but Seth denies any such contacts, saying that HIS COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO HIS WORK WITH ME, in order that the INTEGRITY of the Seth Material be preserved.”

Seth (Session 876, 8-27-79): "A woman wrote that she was involved with. . . correspondences in which I was communicating with her, and she was certain that this would prove beyond a doubt my own independent nature, since I [would have given] messages to another medium besides Ruburt. The woman was quite convinced of that.

"Other people have written that I have given them such messages. Another woman DREAMED of me; and had an experience in which a child was definitely healed. Now, I did not communicate with those women—BUT THEIR BELIEF IN ME HELPED EACH OF THEM USE CERTAIN ABILITIES. One woman has done some writing—not very good—but still, those abilities came to the fore. The other woman was able to use her OWN healing abilities.”

Jane (God of Jane, 1981): "(A) man ‘in contact’ with Seth…wanted to inform me that I’d distorted Seth’s material on Christ, **and that Seth had TOLD him so!..**Good Christ!’ I muttered irritably to Rob when I read the letter. What about the other two people who wrote last year, each with their own versions of Christ’s life, each contradicting the other, and each supposedly containing corrections from Seth?’…

I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted about Christ’s life – that HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS."

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "… How come those other people made their ‘Seths’ known AFTER Jane began to speak for HER Seth, and to publish the Jane-Seth material? Being inspired to use one’s own abilities is a perfectly understandable development that we can be very happy about. But to claim to speak for Jane’s Seth…is quite another thing."

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69): “IT IS QUITE NATURAL THAT OTHERS…who are experimenting SHOULD GO THROUGH A STAGE IN WHICH IT SEEMS TO THEM THEY ARE RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM ME. Suggestion operates, and any trance deeper than ordinary for them can be interpreted in these terms.”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books …realize that the authorities know far less than they originally supposed. They are afraid, however, of going out on their own, so to speak…

"They do not trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them

"… and since they distrust themselves they cannot really understand how the two of YOU trust yourselves as much as you do. They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (ESP Class, 12-19-72): “Seth Speaks should be called You Speak and You Speak and You Speak. SO LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.”

Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT … Or worse–wants Clark Kent to shout out from the phone booth, or wherever: “You can do (YOUR VERSION) of this too because we ALL have a reality in which we are Clark Kent AND Superman at one and the same time”? Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.

"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN. They do NOT want my AUTHORITY questioned…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL they would have FAR better sense than Ruburt, and they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand that Ruburt’s questions, and YOURS (Rob’s), your sense of integrity, are partially responsible for a “superman” rather than a SUPERMOUSE.”

Barrie Comments: This concludes my currently list of excerpts. Does anyone REALLY believe after hearing ALL that Seth and Jane said–that he would simply CHANGE his mind AFTER Jane’s death and contaminate his material by now communicating thru ANYONE who asks?


This is from a July 21 exchange with Ron–about Seth planning on working with Jane for 40 years and the false implications Ron takes from that:

Ron Continues: For reasons unto Jane and her selves, she did not complete the forty years of channelling work Seth had lined up before Ruburt became Jane Roberts, that Ruburt agreed upon, but only managed to channel Seth for nearly 21 years.

Barrie Responds: Seth had hoped that Jane would live long enough to complete 40 years of work—but things like this can’t be planned or foreseen in any practical way. The future is fluid and not set in stone. No one, not even Seth, can predict the future—especially when a person will “choose” to die or not. Jane did not make it to complete the 40 years that Seth HOPED for. He also hoped the same would be true of Sue Watkins—and SHE, too, never made it through either.

Seth picked Jane and Rob—because they WERE Jane and Rob. He HOPED his dictation would last 40 years. It did not. BUT this does NOT mean that he would therefore choose others who, at best, would GREATLY distort his material—as well as ruin the integrity and authenticity of the material. And we are ignoring the fact of how necessary both Jane and Rob were to their working together with Seth.

And on top of that, of all those who CLAIM to communicate for Seth via speaking, automatic writing, in DREAMS, etc—WHAT great additional material have they come up with? NONE. All we read is weakened, rehashed or copied things that Seth already said. So, on SO MANY levels, this 40-year plan argument does not hold up.

Not only this, there are MANY people who claim to now communicate for Seth. So, this means NOT only would Seth choose to ruin the integrity and authenticity of" his material with JUST ONE NEW PERSON—BUT with MANY PEOPLE—just for the asking.

This whole argument is a straw man that makes no sense,

Ron Continues: Seth had more material to get out, about another twenty years worth and many books, too. Seth reveals this in the material.

Barrie Responds: Seth did say he wanted and hoped to work 40 years with Jane and with Rob and Sue around, too. One can infer that, therefore, he had more material and books to write. But this does NOT mean that he would no longer care about the integrity and authenticity of the material.

In fact, it STRENGTHENS the idea because he would know at some point there is a good probability that Jane was going to die before the 40 years were up—and THEN it would have been logical for Seth to say something like, “Don’t worry, my readers, I will continue my work with another soon after Jane passes.”

But he NEVER said this, did he, Ron?

And again, your straw man argument includes the idea that now ANYONE who asks can communicate for Seth—making Seth out to be a liar or a fool—having publicly claimed in his books that only Jane would communicate for him. And we now have to believe that not only was he wrong or lied about that—or changed his mind and NO longer cared about the integrity and authenticity of the material—but NOW he would also communicate thru ANYONE who asks.

I’m sorry, but ALL of your arguments, Ron, do not hold up upon any intelligent examination.

I know Barrie. I wanted to see if Ron would reply with an explanation of his blatent fabrication. Obviously that didn’t happen. Can i ask you a question? Why do you take so much offense to his stuff? Forgive me if I’m incorrect, but it really seems to bother you. :heart:

Oh, disregard my last question, you answered it in another thread. Though i dont believe you fully as the energy of what you say doesn’t match up with your words amd the emergy of your words. Not that it matters to me much, nor you, i imagine. You is you and me is me. Peace bruh.

Hi Jonny,

Jonny Writes: Are you talking about the Ron who posted earlier in this thread, or some other Ron?

Barrie Responds: I am talking about the Ron who posted earlier in this thread.

Jonny Continues: And if so, are you two not on speaking terms?

Barrie Responds: Ron has blocked me from all of his sites because he has continually ran from my attempts to question him about his comments in this area. I have never blocked him once from anything. In any case, for years now, I can’t see what Ron writes on this topic–except on boards like this upon which he can’t block me.

Jonny Continues: It seems odd to talk about someone as if they were not part of the conversation, or not present? I find it confusing to read.

Barrie Responds: I have directly responded to Ron many, many, many, many, many times over the years–obvious most of the time before he blocked me. But why is it odd or confusing to respond to Doreen and others about what Ron said? Should I send him a telegram first?

Jonny Continues: Is there some bad blood there? And if so, is there really a need to rehash it here and now on this page Barrie?

Barrie Responds: Why should any bad blood mean that this important topic of Seth saying he would only communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material–should not be discussed?

It is important to me that Seth readers know exactly what Seth, Jane and Rob said on this topic–regardless of who blocks me or find me doing so annoying.

Cate, What don’t you believe fully?

I was a member of the original Seth classes in Elmira. I care very much about the Seth material and for readers to know exactly what Seth, Jane and Rob said on the topic of Seth only communicating via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material. He also talked of wanting as little distortion as possible–that he achieved with Jane because of Rob–who was necessary in the process. He also said that people would use his name as a symbol for their own inner communication.

This issue matters to me greatly. Ron happens to be a person who keeps pushing this false narrative that Seth meant only when Jane was alive–which is made up nonsense. So, when I come across Ron pushing his lies on this issue–I feel it very important to let readers know what Seth, Jane and Rob actually said on the subject. Most people don’t realize it. I did the research and so I realize it.

When Jane was alive, many people made the same claims as Ron–which you can see in my 21 quotes if you read them. Seth refuted each one…and each one was TOTALLY SURE that they were correct. They each had their unique theory about why Seth was communicating via them as well. Seth always said no.

Well, as I see it…nothing has changed in this regard. Seth, Jane and Rob would still want the Seth material not to be contaminated (Jane’s word) and to maintain the integrity and authenticity of their work together. So, I pass on what they said on the topic now that Jane is no longer around to do so.

Please feel free to make any further comments or ask any further questions. Be well.

I maybe put that poorly. What i mean is more along the lines of i get a very jaggy emergy from your words and hugely lengthy replies to Ron. I wonder what it is in you that believes you need to point out to others what is wrong woth what Ron says. If they are reading the material then they will no doubt understand that fact. I’m not sure its for others that you do this. It seems to be for you, and i wonder why you bother, is all. It kind of seems to me like bashing ones head with a hmer. But like i said, thats juat my opinion. If it doesn’t apply you’ll just discard it.

Cate Writes: I maybe put that poorly. What i mean is more along the lines of i get a very jaggy emergy from your words and hugely lengthy replies to Ron. I wonder what it is in you that believes you need to point out to others what is wrong woth what Ron says. If they are reading the material then they will no doubt understand that fact.

Barrie Responds: By the way, my replies are lengthy because I respond directly to what someone writes —so nothing is left out. I am doing it here with you and that is why this response is lengthy to you. To me, that is a sign of respect—actually paying attention to what someone writes.

In any case, the fact is that I disagree with you about Seth readers. Today, right now, there are MANY people much more active and direct than Ron who say that Seth communicares thru them. They write “Seth” books, give “Seth” presentations and have “Seth” private sessions. Their audiences include many happy and eager Seth readers—rejoicing that “Seth is back.”

Back in the day when Jane was alive—the same was true—and it really annoyed Jane. The following was just two years before she died (CAPS and bold added maybe too much but for emphasis):

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives, or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"

Barrie Comments: More about current Seth readers: If you just look at Ron’s site—all of the members are Seth readers and all of them buy into his disingenuous and deceitful comments about Seth still being around, that Seth only meant while Jane was alive, etc. THEY are Seth readers right now…THEY believe it–as with the other “fake-Seth” folks—many of whom are followed by Seth readers. And the NON-SETH readers just believe, as a matter of fact, that it IS Seth.

And this will only get worse over time: As time goes by, more and more all this mush and slop of “Seth” material will blend into one—and the material will be weakened, losing its integrity and authenticity—just as Seth warned, so to speak, and did not want.

The “material” will be watered down, filled with distortions, contradictions and so forth. This is precisely what Jane, Seth and Rob wanted to avoid.

So, I simply disagree with your contention that Seth readers will just know. They didn’t and they still haven’t. These “fake Seth” folks LIE to their followers and audience about what Seth said concerning communicating thru others. There is NO reason for THEIR followers to even know they are being lied to.

I believe that the best way to counter this is to follow thru or continue with what Seth, Jane and Rob wanted—and so I let Seth readers know exactly and directly what THEY said about Seth only communicating via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material. Not what I say, but what THEY said.

Ron happens to be extremely difficult to communicate with. He makes up straw men arguments, he says things that are not true, changes the subject, hides behind what I consider manipulative light jokes, and so forth. He attacks those who oppose him both before and after he blocks them.

For example, he has gone so far as to totally lie about me online a number of times. Two examples:

One: He told his board that my wife divorced me and had to move to Florida to get away from me. TOTALLY UNTRUE. We are still married for 35 years and counting. The only way I found out about this was that someone was kind enough to send me the post—because Ron knows that I can’t see his posts on FB. By the way, I never blocked Ron once from any of my boards—including up until today.

Two: When he first blocked me, only he knew it—none of his board members knew—and so it just seemed to everyone that I stopped responding to him. He said, lied, that I stopped posting because I was so afraid to debate him and that I knew that he’d “tear me another asshole” IF I tried. Meanwhile, only HE knew that I couldn’t even see his posts anymore. Again, someone sent me a post. I immediately asked them to post for me to explain what was going on and that I would debate him any time and any place. Ron never mentioned it again.

So, it IS frustrating to deal with such a deceptive and manipulative person—with all his deflections, lies and everything else—but I do so when I see—as on this board—him bringing up these lies about this one topic that I feel is so crucial and that Seth, Jane and Rob—so tried to avoid.

Cate Continues: I’m not sure its for others that you do this. It seems to be for you, and i wonder why you bother, is all.

Barrie Responds: It is for three reasons: It is for me—because I want the Seth material to have its authenticity and integrity maintained—I believe this is actually important in the long run for everyone. For this very same reason I do it for other Seth readers who otherwise would have no idea what Seth, Jane and Rob actually said. It took a great deal of research to compile all those quotes. I started out with about 10—and kept adding to them when I could. Now I have 21. AND I most definitely also do it for Jane, Rob and Seth—who I knew and cared about very much about—and I believe that if Jane was around she’d continue to speak out on this topic—just as she did while she was alive.

Well…I have explained why I bother: I believe it is very important that Seth readers know what Seth, Jane and Rob actually and directly said about only communicating via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material and to avoid as much distortion as possible. And I believe that Seth readers should have the opportunity to have this access to the truth of what Seth, Jane and Rob said on this topic—so they don’t only have to rely on what these people tell them.

Cate Continues: It kind of seems to me like bashing ones head with a hammer. But like i said, thats juat my opinion. If it doesn’t apply you’ll just discard it.

Barrie Responds: That is correct—not about disregarding it—for I am responding about it. But about how we are different people. If YOU posted about it like I do, THEN you would feel like you’d be bashing your head with a hammer. AND as you say—you are you and I am me. And it so happens that I don’t feel that way.

But to use but alter your analogy, which I wouldn’t use on my own: I feel like I am constructing a library of true quotes about what Seth, Jane and Rob actually said on this topic….and I am using a hammer to make a sturdy foundation.

Once again, feel free to add any additional comments and/or questions. Be well.

Ok, as you wish Barrie. If someone is not reading the seth books sufficiently enough to already know this shit that you continually rehashing it in almost every post you make, then heaeing it from you is not gona be any different. And you’re point is moot, because given that i do believe gou are bashimg your head with a hammer for reasons only you can comprehend means i would not personally partake of the same behaviour. Thats my 2 pennies spent. Have a good day.