Ron Writes: “What Barrie, my good friend, is telling you is that HE controls Seth and the flow of Seth material, that Barrie is in control of the future and Seth’s future, that Seth needs Barrie’s permission slip to speak. Hogwash, LOL.”
Barrie Responds: Ron, this strawman response of yours is literally and seriously delusional. And I say this very seriously–not as a putdown but just as what is. In no way am I telling anyone that I control Seth or the flow of the Seth material. In no way am I telling anyone that I control the future or Seth’s future or that Seth needs my permission to speak. This is all really very, very delusional.
What I actually DID say was very simple: That Seth, Jane and Rob said that Seth will only communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material. Seth also wanted to cut down on distortion as much as humanly possible. AND he said how necessary Rob was in his communicating via Jane. And he NEVER EVER said that he only meant this for only when Jane was still alive.
Do you realize the implication of what you are actually saying—IF Seth actually meant ONLY while Jane was alive—despite the FACT that he never said that once and had 19 or so years to say it at often as he wanted to?
The implication of what you say is that AFTER Jane’s death he, Seth, would no longer care about maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material. NO longer care about distortions. NOT only that, but it would ALSO mean that Seth either lied or gaslighted Jane, Rob and all of his readers. Why do I say that…because instead of only communicating via Jane; as he said, he secretly knew that after Jane’s death. he would then communicate via anyone and everyone who asked…and even without Rob who he claimed over and over was very necessary to the process.
You seem to conflate reality with your delusions on this topic.
You say, “Barrie is telling you…”
BUT, Ron, I am passing on what SETH, JANE AND ROB SAID on the subject. NOT what I said or say. I am letting Seth readers know what THEY said…NOT what I said. I am letting Seth readers know what YOU HIDE FROM THEM on your boards and maybe even from yourself.
One more time: I post what Seth, Jane and Rob said. Not what I say. It is THEIR words and NOT my words.
I doubt that repetition can get thru your walls of delusion—but maybe it may reach some Seth readers who don’t know any of this or what Seth actually said on the topic-as given in my 21 excerpts. Perhaps all they know is what you tell them.
AND take THIS into consideration: Jane wrote on this topic just TWO YEARS before she died (CAPS and bold added for emphasis):
Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives, or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"
Barrie Comments: So, YOU are also telling us—that all the while Seth was planning to communicate via anyone and just never clued in Jane who was so upset—maybe making her feel better and to explain why he would do such a thing…but NOTHING, Ron, As much nothing as the amount of reason and truth exist in your comments here and on this topic.
As Rob even said:
Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”
Barrie Comments: The fact is, Ron…Seth never said that he’d communicate via others, he never hinted at nor did he ever imply it. As difficult as it may be for you to accept, Ron, Seth DID say he would ONLY communicate via Jane—and so now YOU must find the answers for yourself—a WONDERFUL AND FASCINATING ENDEAVOR if you just TRUST yourself enough to give it a try.
Actually, Seth did talk about people who have your mindset:
Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books…**are afraid…of going out on their own, **so to speak…They do NOT trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them…They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”
Barrie Comments: Yes, Ron. THAT is what I believe that you believe: “If only I, Ron, had a Seth, then I, too, would progress.”
Seth has said elsewhere that people like you and others…want “Superman” without Clark Kent; want Seth without Jane:
Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.
"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT…Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.
"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL …they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand…Ruburt’s questions, and your (Rob’s)…sense of integrity.”
Barrie Comments: So, there you have THAT, Ron.
And, Ron, you ALSO religiously ignore that Seth said that people would use the name SETH as a SYMBOL for their own inner communication…which, at best, is what is happening with you. When people don’t recognize their symbols, they see them as facts.
Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”
Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”
Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…
“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”
Jane (God of Jane, 1981): “I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted (but) HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS."
Barrie Comments: This is what I think is happening with you…but your delusionary thinking—as displayed by your opening comments to me above…exacerbate your situation. I hope that one day you can recognize your own true True Inner Ron for what he is and knows—and stop using Seth as a symbol for your own inner communications as Seth has suggested will happen to some of his readers.
Well, Ron, that’s it for now. THAT is the world outside of your delusions in this area.