Where is Seth now? Is there any more contact with either Ruburt or Seth?

Cate, Only a super small percentage of my posts are on this topic. I have written more than 10,000 posts over the years. So, you are mistaken that it is almost every post I make. That’s just not factual. Also, as I explained, many Seth readers DO believe this–as was also when Jane was alive–regardless of how you define them. And then, there are the people who never read Jane’s books at all–who believe it.

To you it is rehashing; to me it is repeating something very important–and many people have never seen those quotes before. As long as I see folks lying about what Seth said on this topic. I will respond when I believe it is best to do so. But it is a very very very small percent of what I post and write and speak about.

I don’t expect to change the “fake-Seth” folks, like Ron. I DO expect to expose their audiences to what Seth, Jane and Rob actually said on the subject. My audience here are those who may not have the chance to see what Seth, Jane and Rob actually said.

I’m not sure what you mean, “Hearing it from me.” When I post about this, they are hearing it from Seth, Jane and Rob. I post what THEY said. It is THEIR words… I’m the middle man, passing on what THEY said. So, what is it that they are hearing from me?

IF you were me, then you would be bashing your head with a hammer. I don’t feel that way in the slightest.

You do this projection onto other Seth readers as well. Because YOU get it, then if other Seth readers don’t get it–they are not reading sufficiently–as if THEY should get it because YOU do…

I’m not sure if you really get the concept that other people actually are not you…because you seem to judge them as if they were you. IF YOU did not get it, then YOU would be reading Seth insufficiently.

One last thing: You certainly should not partake in a behavior in which you’d feel like you were bashing your head with a hammer–except IF you wanted to bash your head with a hammer.

How did i judge you as if you were me? Actually never mind answering that, I’m not so fussed. I simply asked you what you’re amswers were all about, and also a couple of times said you were not me, so you’re obviously not really understanding me. I’m thoroughly bored with this conversation now so I’m going to firmly leave it there. Thanks for your opinions. I don’t share them. And that seems to annoy you no end. Or at least, thats what I’m projecting on to that. Life in this rhelm is indeed one massive projection so it can hardly be helped, barr knowing that’s what one is doing. Be well.

What Barrie, my good friend, is telling you is that HE controls Seth and the flow of Seth material, that Barrie is in control of the future and Seth’s future, that Seth needs Barrie’s permission slip to speak. Hogwash, LOL.

Dream Seth fully explained to me what Jane’s Seth meant by his revelations here. Not too long after the time when Jane began channeling Seth, there cropped up in the paranormal community, several unscrupulous others also claiming to be channeling Jane’s Seth, because they thought that there was money to be made jumping in on the Seth bandwagon, and this would dilute Jane’s Seth’s message, as these other wannabe Seth channelers were faking it for self-aggrandizing, egotistical purposes. Both Jane and Seth were aware of this annoying occurrence so this is why Seth came through and said what he did to preserve the integrity of his genuine material. Seth revealed that while he was specifically working with Jane in her lifetime, that he was also working with others in other earth realities, past, present, and future. Seth has millions of students. And, as Seth said…“Those who can learn can also teach.” – ronaldhcard on Facebook.

Ron Writes: “What Barrie, my good friend, is telling you is that HE controls Seth and the flow of Seth material, that Barrie is in control of the future and Seth’s future, that Seth needs Barrie’s permission slip to speak. Hogwash, LOL.”

Barrie Responds: Ron, this strawman response of yours is literally and seriously delusional. And I say this very seriously–not as a putdown but just as what is. In no way am I telling anyone that I control Seth or the flow of the Seth material. In no way am I telling anyone that I control the future or Seth’s future or that Seth needs my permission to speak. This is all really very, very delusional.

What I actually DID say was very simple: That Seth, Jane and Rob said that Seth will only communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material. Seth also wanted to cut down on distortion as much as humanly possible. AND he said how necessary Rob was in his communicating via Jane. And he NEVER EVER said that he only meant this for only when Jane was still alive.

Do you realize the implication of what you are actually saying—IF Seth actually meant ONLY while Jane was alive—despite the FACT that he never said that once and had 19 or so years to say it at often as he wanted to?

The implication of what you say is that AFTER Jane’s death he, Seth, would no longer care about maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material. NO longer care about distortions. NOT only that, but it would ALSO mean that Seth either lied or gaslighted Jane, Rob and all of his readers. Why do I say that…because instead of only communicating via Jane; as he said, he secretly knew that after Jane’s death. he would then communicate via anyone and everyone who asked…and even without Rob who he claimed over and over was very necessary to the process.

You seem to conflate reality with your delusions on this topic.

You say, “Barrie is telling you…”

BUT, Ron, I am passing on what SETH, JANE AND ROB SAID on the subject. NOT what I said or say. I am letting Seth readers know what THEY said…NOT what I said. I am letting Seth readers know what YOU HIDE FROM THEM on your boards and maybe even from yourself.

One more time: I post what Seth, Jane and Rob said. Not what I say. It is THEIR words and NOT my words.

I doubt that repetition can get thru your walls of delusion—but maybe it may reach some Seth readers who don’t know any of this or what Seth actually said on the topic-as given in my 21 excerpts. Perhaps all they know is what you tell them.

AND take THIS into consideration: Jane wrote on this topic just TWO YEARS before she died (CAPS and bold added for emphasis):

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives, or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"

Barrie Comments: So, YOU are also telling us—that all the while Seth was planning to communicate via anyone and just never clued in Jane who was so upset—maybe making her feel better and to explain why he would do such a thing…but NOTHING, Ron, As much nothing as the amount of reason and truth exist in your comments here and on this topic.

As Rob even said:

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”

Barrie Comments: The fact is, Ron…Seth never said that he’d communicate via others, he never hinted at nor did he ever imply it. As difficult as it may be for you to accept, Ron, Seth DID say he would ONLY communicate via Jane—and so now YOU must find the answers for yourself—a WONDERFUL AND FASCINATING ENDEAVOR if you just TRUST yourself enough to give it a try.

Actually, Seth did talk about people who have your mindset:

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books…**are afraid…of going out on their own, **so to speak…They do NOT trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them…They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Barrie Comments: Yes, Ron. THAT is what I believe that you believe: “If only I, Ron, had a Seth, then I, too, would progress.”

Seth has said elsewhere that people like you and others…want “Superman” without Clark Kent; want Seth without Jane:

Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT…Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.

"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL …they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand…Ruburt’s questions, and your (Rob’s)…sense of integrity.”

Barrie Comments: So, there you have THAT, Ron.

And, Ron, you ALSO religiously ignore that Seth said that people would use the name SETH as a SYMBOL for their own inner communication…which, at best, is what is happening with you. When people don’t recognize their symbols, they see them as facts.

Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”

Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…

“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”

Jane (God of Jane, 1981): “I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted (but) HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS."

Barrie Comments: This is what I think is happening with you…but your delusionary thinking—as displayed by your opening comments to me above…exacerbate your situation. I hope that one day you can recognize your own true True Inner Ron for what he is and knows—and stop using Seth as a symbol for your own inner communications as Seth has suggested will happen to some of his readers.

Well, Ron, that’s it for now. THAT is the world outside of your delusions in this area.

Cate, Projection simply applies to those times that you look at what I do as if you were doing it. This means that you ascribe to me the motives and feelings that YOU would have IF you wrote what I wrote.

Also, I am not annoyed at you at all. Please feel free to disagree with me and my opinions to your heart’s content or discontent–with my blessings–which I know you don’t need.

And…the type of projection of which I speak–is very common, psychologically speaking–and can easily be helped.

I realize I am very late to this particular party. But is it possible that although Seth will not communicate THROUGH another person, that he may communicate TO another person? While I agree that humans tend to personify higher information that they receive internally, would Seth ever communicate TO someone in contrast to communicating THROUGH someone?

From what I understand, Seth sort of created the Seth persona in combination with Jane and Rob to communicate. Outside that relationship, is there a Seth that can chitchat with other people? I thought Seth was a gestalt created specifically via the triad of Jane, Rob and Seth. This triad created a personality that we can relate to, but this is only a persona the “real” Seth entity assumed. I am trying to find an analogy. If you were an elementary school teacher, your personality would be a construct of a much larger you that you share with your students, a construct as “teacher”. The elementary school children would hopefully know nothing about your sex life and all the other interests an adult may have outside the teacher context. The teacher construct differs from 1 year to another, as the needs of each yearly class is different. So to take the teacher construct that was triggered by the class of 2015 and claim that you are channeling this construct in 2021 wouldn’t make a lot of sense, since the class has gone on and that human being has already changed his/her teacher construct to meet the demands of the class of 2021. This is a lousy analogy, but is the best I can do. The intent is to show that the Seth that the triad created would no longer exist as that same Seth. So how could anyone claim to channel a Seth that was the unique union of 2 human beings now dead and a Seth entity?

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Cool cool, I really don’t care anymore. These online conversations give me a headache. The world is burning up before our eyes (thank god) and I’m beginning to think channeled material of any sort is not that useful anymore anyway, times are a changing, and fast. Let the future tell its own story. It will be unprecedented.

The world is unfolding as it should and everything is right on time…ron, a personality with a message.

Seth nurtures all his “Seeds of Seth” in ways that you may not acknowledge as Team Seth works in amazing, ingenious ways. Team Seth has been associated with the earth plane ever since the world was thought into existence by gestalts of consciousness eons ago. Dream…ron.

As Seth said: if that’s what you believe, that’ll be the reality you’ll experience … Those who feel powerless, will be powerless. Change your beliefs and expectations, change the reality you experience!

Things are as bad as we think they are.

Not all channeled material is equal in distortions. Not all of us interpret it correctly. Channeled material is supposed to be interpreted by everyone their own individual way. It is a conduit to knowledge and guidance, not a purveyor of that.

You’re all truly amazing people.

But remember not to worship idols.

Maybe stop listening to me for awhile and listen to Alan Watts.
Sounds like some people here need some Zen.

Ron quotes Seth in order to claim and manipulate you to believe that Seth had just told all Seth readers and all future readers that, “I will be around to inspire you.”

So, this would mean, according to Ron, that Seth said that he would be here right now—for all of us–so that everybody and anyone can contact Seth just by asking.


First, in this statement, Seth said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the future. Said NOTHING about Seth readers or everyone…NOTHING.

SO, let’s look at the actual EVIDENCE…the quote IN CONTEXT:

Seth (Session 577, Seth Speaks): “I will be around to inspire you.”

In context, I will prove that Seth is CLEARLY addressing ROB AND JANE—telling THEM:

“I WILL BE AROUND TO INSPIRE YOU”in order to help THEM WITH the assignment that he JUST gave them. The assignment was to make up questions for their next session for Seth to answer in “Seth Speaks” – the book he was dictating at that time.

Seth was NOT addressing Seth readers, or the future, or any future Seth readers, like all of us here today, or all people or anything like that.

Seth was CLEARLY, OBVIOULSLY and SPECIFICALLY addressing just Jane and Rob.

The excerpt, in CONTEXT, begins with Seth saying that he just ended the chapter he was dictating—and then he immediately gives Jane and Rob their “assignment” and an “opportunity to participate in” the book.

Seth (Session 577, 3-31-71): “And now I HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT FOR YOU, and the OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE in my book. You may take the rest of the session to make up an excellent (underlined twice and HUMOROUSLY), list of questions that will appear in the next, question-and-answer chapter.

If you have questions already given by others, by all means include these. BUT THEY SHOULD BE QUESTIONS FROM YOU rather than questions posed by me. They will be more pertinent to the reader.

THEN PRESENT THESE TO ME AT OUR NEXT SESSION, or one at a time, or two, as you prefer, and I will answer them…I suggest, then, that you both get to work.


----End of Session—

Barrie NOW Comments: So, THERE YOU HAVE IT! You have read the actual source so you can see the actual CONTEXT and to WHOM Seth actually addressed…which was definitely NOT Seth readers and NOT future Seth readers.

It is CLEAR that Seth was talking to JANE AND ROB—telling THEM humorously that while doing his assignment to come up with questions for the book— “I WILL BE AROUND TO INSPIRE YOU.”

Note that Ron falsely uses this quote to further his false argument that Seth said that he is still around today and anyone can contact him.

It is clear that this is not what this quote is about at all.

I want Seth readers to see and know the truth for themselves what Seth, Jane and Rob actually said about how Seth would only communicate via Jane in order to protect and maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material—by READING what Seth, Jane and Rob said verbatim on this issue—and by being aware of misinformation or lies being told to them about what Seth said.

This is a quick, brief summary of the first great event which changed my life, ET contact, soon to be followed by my second great event, reading Seth Speaks in 1974, and my space friend’s teachings and Seth’s teachings agreed fully, so I understood that information comes in the door, so to speak, from many sources, and no one source corners the market on knowledge and all knowledge must be sifted through the receiving person’s filters of perception and layers of consciousness, which varies, and your mileage may vary. – ron.

Now Seth has a message for the “POPE.” Seth: "I remain spontaneous and alive and DO NOT ALLOW myself to be deadened by your projections upon me. From: Jane’s ESP class from February 16, 1971. What does the POPE think now? …ron, a personality with a message and practitioner of the Seth material, and student in Seth University, Dream Campus, my characterization, for mt dream journey of consciousness that NO ONE can take but me.

…ron speaks…In the past, organized, conventional, fundamental religion, namely Christianity, along with government, was the only accepted answer to life’s challenges and religious and political leaders filled our minds with what they thought was best for the people, even if their ideas suppressed and oppressed people, even subjecting them to prison or death for non-adherence to religious and governmental decree, thus holding people back from true spiritual progress.

The truth has taken a long time to finally catch up to the centuries of myth and legend, religious parables and allegorical stories with no basis in fact.

However, with the advent of Renaissance Two, the upcoming “shift in consciousness,” slowly taking place right now, involving the opening and expanding of minds, causing people to think for themselves and not allowing others to do their thinking for them, especially appealing to the young, future generations, is giving new directions in awareness and understanding of why we are here on school house earth, and what is the purpose and meaning of life.

Is there really an archaic, stale, antiquated man called, God, or, when self-thought is freely applied, without the influence of religion, one quickly realizes that God is the primary omnipotent electromagnetic energy force that holds all existence in perfect harmony, symmetry, balance and order, that is, God is ALL THAT IS, that God is the energy force–source from which all existence springs, then, at that magic moment, a huge weight, the weight of fear-based religion, is lifted, and one knows in their heart that they, and they alone, control, create, their own reality according to their beliefs, done so individually and all together, collectively, en masse. People will innately know that their answers come from within themselves, through inner access to ALL THAT IS. Seek within all your answers.

And until humankind learns this humankind learns little.

Ron, Once again you have totally lied about THIS Seth quote. It means NOTHING like what you mean. In FACT, it means just the OPPOSITE of what you claim:

Ron Quotes Seth: “I remain spontaneous and alive and do not allow myself to be deadened by your projections upon me." – ESP class Session for Feb. 16, 1971.

Barrie Responds: As if OFTEN the case, Ron is has taken this quote TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT. He claims that this SUPPORTS the idea of Seth being around to help us. IN context, it means exactly the opposite of what Ron claims. Seth means not to look to him for answers, but look within yourself.

To repeat: Seth is saying the OPPOSITE of what Ron claims. Seth is saying to listen to no one but YOURSELF. Seth is telling the Seth class members and by extension all of us today—do NOT project upon me images of me of a wise old professor. These images “lurk within your own mind. Seth says that he “TRIED to keep you from this error” and he always “sought to release from within yourselves your own abilities.”

In other words, RELEASE YOUR OWN ABILITIES; don’t took to me for answers, look within yourselves.

Seth: “I tried to keep you from this error and I always sought to release from within yourselves your own abilities.”

Here is the FULL CONTEXT from where the sentence comes. You have to read this carefully:

Seth (ESP Class, 2-16-71): “I want you to understand that energy is being used and that energy is available and that the same energy that Ruburt uses is available to each of you…It is not out of the inner sense of my invisible heart but out of the depths of your OWN PSYCHOLOGY that you make me into the image of a wise old man and PROJECT UPON ME AUTHORITY IMAGES THAT LURK IN YOUR OWN MIND. I have always tried to keep you from making this error and always sought to release from within yourselves your own abilities.”

Barrie Comments: What Seth just said is CRUCIAL and EXACTLY what Ron is doing right here in this thread. So let me paraphrase:

Seth is saying that it is out of the depths of RON’S own psychology that he makes Seth into the image of a WISE DREAM PROFESSOR, with family, teaching in a university. And RON projects these authority images UPON SETH–images that lurk ONLY in Ron’s own mind.

Seth has always tried to keep people like Ron from “making this error” and RATHER they and Ron should seek to release from within themselves their OWN abilities.

Repeat: Seth is saying the OPPOSITE of what Ron claims. Seth is saying stop projecting a wise professor onto me and release from within yourselves your OWN abilities.

And this excerpt CONTINUES:

Seth continues: “And I told you that knowledge must be directly experienced. You will NOT learn nearly as much from me as you will through traveling through your own inner self and searching into the reality of yourself for other realities…Now my voice is loud but the voice of the inner self is very still and you must be quiet to hear it and so from the loudness of my voice let yourself run inward into that silence that is very active.”

Barrie Comments: Again, Seth is telling people to “run inward” and let his voice lead you INWARD into yourself.

Class Transcript Note: “Bob remarked that we impose our projections on Seth.”

Barrie Comments: The PROJECTIONS imposed by class members is that Seth IS a wise professor we must listen to! This is EXACTLY what Ron does and what Seth warns against doing.

Seth says NOTHING about being around today ; or that people’s projections make them believe that Seth can’t be around today. This view is total Ron bullshit.

Seth Responds*: “* I remain spontaneous and alive and do not allow myself to be deadened by your projections upon me. Now continue.”

Barrie Comments: DEADENED by projections that he is a wise professor people look to. Rather, Seth is fine—and class members must look to themselves.

Bob: “Then it is only natural…”)

Seth Interrupts*: “* You project but your projections are real only to you and do not affect me .

Barrie Comments: Therefore, Seth is saying that the PROJECTIONS on Seth, like by Ron who projects onto Seth this image of a dream professor, are only true for those who do the projecting and they do NOT AFFECT ME (Seth)—meaning that Seth is NOT a professor—even if people project him to be so.

WE ARE SETH, that is the family of Seth teachers, has a message for you…“Live with a sweeter touch.” Got it?..ron.

Hi Barrie,

I understand fully your response to Ron. It must be infuriating to see someone do what he does, especially since you were a member of the original group and know what went on first hand. I find it unnerving that people who read the real Seth books can not tell the difference between those and these new ‘Seth’s’.
Ron is using Seths words to intentionally mislead others, and to either get attention or make money or both.

I also think that, despite your efforts, this will always happen, especially now in a world of easily distributed information, and that you can’t really stop the waves of deceit people come up with these days.

Whatever happens, the truth of what Seth writes will always remain intact in his books for people who have an inner sense that they are the real thing.

Take care

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I totally agree. I am so grateful for the books that have already been published. No one needs more than that anyway, there is enough for a lifetime.

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