I’D like to reach everyone on planet earth. Are any media outlets listening?
I’m Ron Card, age 76, and I live in central Virginia with my wife of 47 years. I have a message for any earthlings who care to listen.
Say, on the subject of UFOs and ETs, why don’t you interview a genuine UFO/ET contactee, one that has remained silent for nearly 60 years, done so out of a concern of not wanting any spotlight nor invasion of privacy?
I’ve keep mostly silent about my “face-to-face” encounter and nearly one year involvement with a “space man” back in early 1962, when I was a high school kid in Miami, FL. I’m now a retired photojournalist and I have shared part of my contact story on Facebook with open-minded members.
The main reason why the ETs will not reveal themselves any time soon, as far as open, public contact is concerned, is because it would undesirably cause WW 3, due to instigating a global clash of beliefs, something totally contrary to what the highly advanced ETs know and understand about what life is all about, about why we’re here and where we’re going. They have absolutely no intention of interfering in earth’s internal affairs, for earth has to deal with its own issues on its own without open interference.
The space people are under no divine obligation to contact us openly. But they have always contacted individuals privately, however. Additionally, they have always sent messengers with messages to the earth plane, down through the ages, who have appeared from many “other” worlds. They have always dressed in the period garb of the time in which they have appeared and using the then intellect and vocabulary available in order to get their messages across.
I think many people are now open minded enough to hear a refreshing, enlightening yet alternative point of view about most everything. To briefly explain, back in 1962 when I was contacted, some of my first questions to “him” were, what is your name, where did you come from, Is there a God, do you believe in God, where is God, is there a devil, a heaven, a hell, what happens to me when I die and what is the purpose of life on earth. These were burning questions I wanted answers to.
He was a non-physical being who psychically “thought” an energy body into temporary physical existence within our visible spectrum for the purpose of comfortably relating to me. He explained that he was developed enough to be able to manipulate the ever-present universal “God” energy for his use and advantage. He could have just as easily appeared to me as female or an older person. Yes, in short, what you call God, is the “one” omnipotent vast electromagnetic energy field, or force–source, from which all existence springs…that is, God is All That Is.
Before my contact, I had developed innocent questions that I was not getting adequate, believable answers to from family, friends, teachers and clergy…why?, because I began thinking about life for myself at an early age, trying to draw my own conclusions, and I was not buying into the usual available answers, they didn’t seem logical, and it seemed that stuff was getting shoved down my throat by my elders, those whom I was told I should never question, however, I did not feel comfortable blindly accepting stuff that did not seem right to me. I wanted more, I wanted real answers and didn’t know where to turn to. I aimed my probing thoughts, out of this world for help.
Then, curiously, in the fall of 1961, I began observing many UFOs, strange phenomenon, in the skies over Miami over many months, and I continued aiming my thoughts “out there” and soon I was contacted face to face by a highly evolved profound ET teacher who picked up on my projected thoughts and who made the decision to go ahead and contact me. He told me that he had contacted other earthlings and helped them.
He spent nearly a year, during many impromptu meetings, answering my many probing questions…answers that were amazingly simple and logical to understand, and I think the time is right in the 2020s to share some of the information that I received decades ago. He naturally had to gear his answers to my level of understanding and comprehension of the English language and also explanations immersed within the then present technological development of earth society.
From what I see at my age, actually, a so-called, flower child of the 60s Hippie movement, is that mainstream government, religion and science, to name a few areas, are directly responsible for the world condition, the human condition, in general terms, being messed up confused and misled mainly by ego-driven men out of an insatiable sense of greed, gain, power and control over the people. This does nothing but lead, as it has done so for millennia, to discontent, distrust, chaos and war and killing. It seems to me that power-hungry, ego-driven men do all the destroying and woman, on the other hand, are the creators and nurturers of society.
I was told by this sage space teacher that we are in sort of elementary school, enrolled upon the “school house earth” plane of physical existence and we’re here for the purpose of learning how to live together in peace, love, equality and harmony, or else we will continue upon the path of the old destructive ways. I feel that it is time for a change in beliefs and direction of intent and it will be a slow process but it will come about and fairly soon, because the earth needs new direction and a riddance of the old ways, ways of mostly failure and discontent.
I was told that we are watched over and cared for by others; both spiritual teachers on the earth plane and those teachers who are from beyond earth, many of whom exist in inconceivable realities beyond our conscious threshold of understanding, many of whom are not physical as we know physical life, but who all work in mysterious ways, that is, magical ways. Just know that these helpful other intelligent beings exist and care for our well being. The time has come for Renaissance Two, my term, the shift in consciousness that is in the works and will come to fruition at some point in the probable future.
Ronald H. Card on Facebook.