Where is Seth now? Is there any more contact with either Ruburt or Seth?

A closed mind perceives nothing. - Seth. I do not need a permission slip to speak - Seth and ron.

I was in Jane’s probable ESP class in her and Rob’s probable reality when they decided to relocate from Elmira to Miami, where I happened to have lived, and I was in Jane’s classes as they lived nearby me in the 1960s. In an ESP session, Seth told Jane and Rob of details in that probable reality, and they did well. However, Jane and Rob in this official reality changed their minds and stayed in Elmira. Seth told them that probable realities are just as valid as official realities. I was Jane’s photographer then. Understand that a closed mind perceives nothing…ron.
On Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 09:49:20 AM EDT, Ron Card [email protected] wrote:

Well, Seth, Jane and Rob didn’t agree. Even when Jane was alive people believed the “fake Seth” folks. They went out of their way to say that Seth would only communicate via Jane in order to maintain and protect the integrity of the material. IF anyone actually cares to read what they said:

HERE are 26 quotes right now for you—to give you the opportunity to see directly for yourself that Seth, Jane and Rob clearly and repeatedly stated that Seth would ONLY communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material.

In these quotes Seth ALSO talks about his relationship to Rob and Jane. He explains why people want a Seth without a Jane. He explains that people would use name as a symbol and on and on.

Why not just read the quotes, for those who have not.

Let me remind you: These are SETH’s, JANE’s and ROB’s words. NOT my words; and NOT the words of any Seth “experts” getting it wrong. These are THEIR WORDS and CAPS have been added for emphasis only…

Barrie Comments: Seth Communicates Only Thru Jane–And Rob IS NEEDED:

Seth (Session 454, 12-7-68, Early Sessions 9): “My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me**…I WILL NEVER SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE OTHER THAN RUBURT**, simply because there MUST NEVER BE ANY DOUBT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SETH MATERIAL.”

Seth (Session 510, 1-19-70, Seth Speaks):

"MY COMMUNICATIONS WILL COME EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH (JANE) AT ALL TIMES, to protect the integrity of the material…”

Seth (Session 15, 1-13-64, Early Sessions 1): "Joseph, your part in these sessions is extremely important. WITHOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEGUN, NOR COULD THEY CONTINUE. Because of our past alliances the three of us are closely bound together. However, I need the two of you in order to come through at all.”

Seth (Session 58, 6-1-64): “RUBURT and myself are offshoots of the same entity…And now, my dear patient JOSEPH, may I tell you THAT YOU ARE ALSO PART OF THAT SAME ENTITY - AND THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I AM ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BOTH."

Seth (Session 170): “My concern is with the material I am presenting…RUBURT (LOUDER) WILL PRESENT MY MATERIAL FOR MEIt is largely disregarded, the sort of personality which is required in this endeavor. It simply happens that because of past relationships I know Ruburt well, and Ruburt knows me FAR better than he imagines. He knows well who I am, and I know who he is…NOR SHOULD JOSEPH’S PART IN THIS ENDEAVOR BE FORGOTTEN. It is more complicated than you may suppose. Now, I have trained Ruburt and taught Ruburt so that his valid clairvoyant experiences can be put on some sort of scientific basis…He is an intelligent and intuitional personality, and should be given credit.”

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69, Early Sessions 9): "Now, when you see what Ruburt can do occasionally, and the troubles I can have with distortion, then you can be sure that **I WOULD NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THE CHANCES FOR DISTORTION BY ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE ELSE…**There is also something else that he seems to have forgotten–that your own relationships, yours (Rob’s) and Ruburt’s and the relationships BETWEEN US in the past, do much to make our communications possible.”

Seth (Session 47): “This material WITH ALL MY BEST EFFORTS, and with yours (Rob & Jane), of necessity must contain distortions merely in order to make itself exist at all on your planeANY material, to exist on your plane…MUST be somewhat distorted. I must use phrases with which your minds are somewhat familiar…If I did not take advantage of your own camouflage system, then YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL…Inner data…MUST make its entry through some distortion… THIS MATERIAL IS MORE VALID THAN ANY MATERIAL POSSIBLE ON YOUR PLANE.”

Seth (ESP Class, 12-19-72): “Seth Speaks should be called You Speak and You Speak and You Speak. SO LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.”

Barrie Comments: Jane Wrote The Following 2-1/2 Years Before She Died. Don’t You Think That This Late In The Game–Seth Would Have Said SOMETHING About Communicating Via Others—If Not Just To Ease Her Outrage? He Did NOT Even Do So In “Way Towards Health” In The Weeks, Days OR Hours Before She Died:

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK**…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives,** or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"

Barrie Comments: Rob On The Same Day, Asks: Why Wouldn’t Seth Just Say So…

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”

Barrie Comments: And Why Does Seth “Appear” Only AFTER Jane Made The Name Popular:

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "… How come those other people made their ‘Seths’ known AFTER Jane began to speak for HER Seth, and to publish the Jane-Seth material? Being inspired to use one’s own abilities is a perfectly understandable development that we can be very happy about. But to claim to speak for Jane’s Seth…is quite another thing."

Barrie Comments: Why The Need To Believe Seth Is Still Here:

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books …are afraid…of going out on their own, s o to speak…They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77, longer version): “Many of the people who read my books …realize that the authorities know far less than they originally supposed. They are afraid, however, of going out on their own, so to speak…

"They do not trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them

"… and since they distrust themselves they cannot really understand how the two of YOU trust yourselves as much as you do. They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT … Or worse–wants Clark Kent to shout out from the phone booth, or wherever: “You can do (YOUR VERSION) of this too because we ALL have a reality in which we are Clark Kent AND Superman at one and the same time”? Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.

"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN. They do NOT want my AUTHORITY questioned…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL they would have FAR better sense than Ruburt, and they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand that Ruburt’s questions, and YOURS (Rob’s), your sense of integrity, are partially responsible for a “superman” rather than a SUPERMOUSE.”

Barrie Comments: Seth As SYMBOL In Dreams, Out Of Bodies, Automatic Writing, And Other Communications:

Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”

Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”

Jane (God of Jane, 1981): "(A) man ‘in contact’ with Seth…wanted to inform me that I’d distorted Seth’s material on Christ, **and that Seth had TOLD him so!..**Good Christ!’ I muttered irritably to Rob when I read the letter. What about the other two people who wrote last year, each with their own versions of Christ’s life, each contradicting the other, and each supposedly containing corrections from Seth?'…

I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted about Christ’s life – that HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS**."**

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…

“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”

Seth (Session 876, 8-27-79): "A woman wrote that she was involved with. . . correspondences in which I was communicating with her, and she was certain that this would prove beyond a doubt my own independent nature, since I [would have given] messages to another medium besides Ruburt. The woman was quite convinced of that.

"Other people have written that I have given them such messages. Another woman DREAMED of me; and had an experience in which a child was definitely healed. Now, I DID NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THOSE WOMEN—BUT THEIR BELIEF IN ME HELPED EACH OF THEM USE CERTAIN ABILITIES. One woman has done some writing—not very good—but still, those abilities came to the fore. The other woman was able to use her OWN healing abilities.”

Seth (2-12-74): Class Transcript: “Arthur then addressed Seth describing an experience of the past week wherein he was trying to get out-of-body and found that he was unable to do so. After trying, without success, to get out-of-body, he thought he had heard Seth say, ‘The Mona Lisa is very, very heavy.’ He could not understand that statement.”

Seth Responds: Now, the voice was your own interpretation of what I might have said to you. But it is your interpretation, and so you should by rights tell me what it means! But for now, I will give you a clue: Sweetness and light comes hard. It is my interpretation of your interpretation!

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Several people have told me that Seth communicated with them through AUTOMATIC WRITING, but Seth denies any such contacts, saying that HIS COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO HIS WORK WITH ME, in order that the INTEGRITY of the Seth Material be preserved.”

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69): “IT IS QUITE NATURAL THAT OTHERS…who are experimenting SHOULD GO THROUGH A STAGE IN WHICH IT SEEMS TO THEM THEY ARE RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM ME. Suggestion operates, and any trance deeper than ordinary for them can be interpreted in these terms.”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "Even in God of Jane, which was published in 1981, Jane presented some relatively late material from Seth to show that he doesn’t independently communicate with others. The idea that he’d done so can be inspiring….Seth stated: ‘Now, I did not communicate with those women – but their belief in me helped each of them use certain abilities.’”

Seth (ESP Class, 4-17-73): “If you are quick, and if you are intuitive, and if you are courageous, and if some evening you listen to my voice in the proper mood**, then you can follow YOURSELF to the heart of yourself, using the voice as a road or vehicle.**”


Barrie Comments: This concludes my current list of excerpts. Does you REALLY believe after reading ALL that Seth, Jane and Rob said–that he would simply CHANGE his mind AFTER Jane’s death and contaminate his material by now communicating thru ANYONE who asks? That he would NO LONGER CARE about the integrity and authenticity of his material AFTER Jane died?

Hi Barrie,
I used to let the Seth Charlatan’s get to me and it offended me as well that they were peddling their bullshit under the name of Seth, and not for any kind of advancement of knowledge, just for the money they could make off their claims and how it made them feel important. And yes, it is sad if someone gets hooked under their spell of misinformation etc. You can block them from showing up on your feed on this site, that is very helpful.

I also wonder if they serve a purpose, not the one they think they do, but without the people producing nonsense, snake oil as I call it, how would anyone learn to see clearly or think for themselves or realize their greater truths? You have to step in the pile of crap to understand the pile of crap, in one lifetime or another.


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Why, I’ve given Laurel Davies-Butts $500,000.00 for my Seth Museum Collection for which I am the proud and honored curator, custodian and conservator of these cherished iconic Rob and Jane artifacts which are thoughtfully and lovingly preserved and cared for by me as they were destined to come to me as Seth says, there are no accidents and no accidental associations nor meetings.

These items bear a direct distinctive provenance to Jane, Rob and Seth. My intent is to share them with Seth enthusiasts who will have the unique opportunity to see, touch and appreciate first-hand at some point in the future these items at an upcoming Seth conference - convention at The Seth House in Elmira, and all are welcome.

Oshara and Kate, of the Seth House non-profit organization, that now owns the Seth House in Elmira, publish bulletins on their Facebook site, THE SETH HOUSE - Discussion Group, so check in often. – Ronald H. Card

Oops, Seth already had prepared FORTY years of material lined up for Jane to dictate, however, Jane, due to spontaneous circumstances that came about after birth, Jane was only able to give Seth nearly 21 years, so Seth has 19 years of dictation pending another earthly avenue of delivery. Seth commented on Jane living well into her 80s continuing to with with Seth. Do you think Seth would just delete 19 years of his prepared material? LOL. – Ronald H. Card, SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues…on Facebook.

I guess he did that in another probable reality, in which Ruburt / Jane better understood and followed the “magical” approach.

This reminds of the “Blue Cliff Record”:


[When] Bodhidharma met Emperor Wu for the first time, the Emperor asked: “I have built temples and initiated monks, of what merit is this?” Bodhidharma replied: “Of no merit.”


…ron speaks…So you’re egotistically making decisions for thousands of people who wish to see and experience what Jane and Rob left behind, like Rob’s 1968 Seth portrait, Jane’s chair, the Ouija board and many top Rob and Jane memorabilia that i have acquired and preserved, attempting to cut them off due to your personal negative beliefs. I will say that spiritual ignorance is at the basis of your problems of understanding, for, a closed mind perceives nothing…as Seth says. You are not in control of the way in which others create their own reality, you see. Keep reading Seth and dreaming more Seth from the family of Seth teachers called, WE ARE SETH.

…ron speaks…from those other probable realities Jane and Rob experienced and are still experiencing, our official reality is but a probable reality from their POV from where they sit, so to speak. Seth: ALL probable realities are REAL…perception, perception, perception.

…ron speaks…Know that there is NO Jane and Rob Seth session and NO Jane ESP class Session that is not “viewable” and perceivable to anyone who wishes to be there, psychically-speaking, in the room, and Seth acknowledges all OTHER students who visit those many, many sessions from so-called decades ago, but exist right now in simultaneous time…in the glorious present. A closed mind perceives nothing…Seth: I do not need a permission slip to speak…and neither does ron, if you catch my drift.

You may find this interesting and helpful. The Story of Ron and Linda’s abundance creation using Seth’s proven principals.

…for the record, Linda and I met in 1974, in Miami, Florida, and soon after, a friend of hers in another state sent her a paperback copy of Seth Speaks. Well, we were both into Metaphysics and the occult, so we read Seth Speaks, and we were moved so much by the profound information Seth gave on attracting abundance as well as creating one’s own reality, that we soon married, and launched a most wonderful reality creation together. We wished to break out of the “ho-hum-drum” mode and do something challenging and exciting.

We quit our cushy, good-paying Miami civil service jobs, moved from Florida to Virginia, where, as photographers, we quickly discovered a niche market that was not being adequately filled at that time, and that was the sore need for beautiful scenic Virginia souvenir post cards.

So we became self-employed, capitalist entrepreneurs, and started Cards Unlimited, Inc., Virginia’s only state-wide post card distributor. The existing post cards sold throughout the state were “garbage” cards, and we almost instantly took over the entire State’s post card sales market, and we then expanded into a live of photo-related souvenirs based on our creative approach to super photography. We soon had 1,000 accounts statewide, and sold 2 to 3 million cards a year.

From year, 1975 to 2000, for 25 jamb-packed years, we worked our butts off expanding our presence and coverage throughout the state’s of Virginia and West Virginia. And it paid off with sales of MEGA millions of post cards and items, and in 2000, one of our customers approached us to buy us out because of the tremendous success we were having, so, we sold out for a huge cash payment and retired relatively young, me at age 55.

The Seth material helped us make million$$$, but we did it our way and figured things out for ourselves using Seth’s principals as guidance for attracting and creating financial and spiritual abundance…we developed our talents and challenged our creative abilities and our customers rewarded us with sales.

And now I am delighted and grateful to say that beginning in spring of 2013, when Laurel Davies-Butts and I came to a mutually beneficial reality creation agreement on my obtaining Jane Robert’s rocking chair that she channeled Seth from, along with the coffee table Rob rested his feet on, and in 2014, obtaining Rob’s iconic,1968 Seth portrait, and in the next year’s all the top-tier Rob and Jane artworks and many transcripts, ESP class sessions and a wealth of Seth “goodies,” and then a few years ago, the famous Ouija board that Seth initially came through on, I now possess The Seth Museum Collection, everything uniquely “Seth.”

I am proud to say that I am the loving and respectful curator, caretaker and custodian of these wonderful Sethian objects of art, and my intent is to share them with like-minded Sethians at future Seth events, like what was just held last summer at the Seth House, 458 W. Water Street, Elmira, NY, celebrating Rob’s 100th birthday hosted by Kate and Oshara, where I personally displayed The Seth Museum Collection, and visitors from all over were treated to beholding the collection, sitting in Jane’s rocker, viewing Seth-based art, experiencing the Ouija board and much more while mingling with other Sethians. I must say that there is something unique about holding and viewing the REAL thing.

The Seth Museum Collection did not just “fly” into my possession by way of some cosmic accident, as none of the items were ever for sale on the open market, never. This was meant to be as there are no accidents and no accidental meetings - you can quote Seth on that. Seth and Jane and Rob were smiling and delighted as they were fully aware of the connections here on the earth plane from their psychic psychological vantage point. I love the possibility of The Seth Museum Collection being some day, hopefully soon, reunited with The Seth House, apartment #5, when it is owned and administered by the team of Kate and Oshara and other Sethians. The Magical Approach approaches. – Ronald H. Card on Facebook and SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues, on Facebook.

Ron, Seth did not delete anything. He gave the material he could give while Jane was alive. He didn’t want to communicate via others but Jane–in order to protect and maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material and keep distortions to a minimum.

Do you really think that after Jane died he would no longer care about the integrity and authenticity of his material–and rather communicate via anyone and everyone who asks–to give, at best, weak, distorted, inept material?


I like to offer Seth readers the opportunity to see for themselves that Seth, Jane and Rob clearly and repeatedly stated that Seth would ONLY communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material.

Let me remind everyone: These are SETH’s, JANE’s and ROB’s words. NOT my words; and NOT the words of any Seth “experts” getting it wrong. These are THEIR WORDS

Barrie Comments: Seth Communicates Only Thru Jane–And Rob IS NEEDED:

Seth (Session 454, 12-7-68, Early Sessions 9): “My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me**…I WILL NEVER SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE OTHER THAN RUBURT**, simply because there MUST NEVER BE ANY DOUBT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SETH MATERIAL.”

Seth (Session 510, 1-19-70, Seth Speaks):

"MY COMMUNICATIONS WILL COME EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH (JANE) AT ALL TIMES, to protect the integrity of the material…”

Seth (Session 15, 1-13-64, Early Sessions 1): "Joseph, your part in these sessions is extremely important. WITHOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEGUN, NOR COULD THEY CONTINUE. Because of our past alliances the three of us are closely bound together. However, I need the two of you in order to come through at all.”

Seth (Session 58, 6-1-64): “RUBURT and myself are offshoots of the same entity…And now, my dear patient JOSEPH, may I tell you THAT YOU ARE ALSO PART OF THAT SAME ENTITY - AND THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I AM ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BOTH."

Seth (Session 170): “My concern is with the material I am presenting…RUBURT (LOUDER) WILL PRESENT MY MATERIAL FOR MEIt is largely disregarded, the sort of personality which is required in this endeavor. It simply happens that because of past relationships I know Ruburt well, and Ruburt knows me FAR better than he imagines. He knows well who I am, and I know who he is…NOR SHOULD JOSEPH’S PART IN THIS ENDEAVOR BE FORGOTTEN. It is more complicated than you may suppose. Now, I have trained Ruburt and taught Ruburt so that his valid clairvoyant experiences can be put on some sort of scientific basis…He is an intelligent and intuitional personality, and should be given credit.”

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69, Early Sessions 9): "Now, when you see what Ruburt can do occasionally, and the troubles I can have with distortion, then you can be sure that **I WOULD NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THE CHANCES FOR DISTORTION BY ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE ELSE…**There is also something else that he seems to have forgotten–that your own relationships, yours (Rob’s) and Ruburt’s and the relationships BETWEEN US in the past, do much to make our communications possible.”

Seth (Session 47): “This material WITH ALL MY BEST EFFORTS, and with yours (Rob & Jane), of necessity must contain distortions merely in order to make itself exist at all on your planeANY material, to exist on your plane…MUST be somewhat distorted. I must use phrases with which your minds are somewhat familiar…If I did not take advantage of your own camouflage system, then YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL…Inner data…MUST make its entry through some distortion… THIS MATERIAL IS MORE VALID THAN ANY MATERIAL POSSIBLE ON YOUR PLANE.”

Seth (ESP Class, 12-19-72): “Seth Speaks should be called You Speak and You Speak and You Speak. SO LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.”

Barrie Comments: Jane Wrote The Following 2-1/2 Years Before She Died. Don’t You Think That This Late In The Game–Seth Would Have Said SOMETHING About Communicating Via Others—If Not Just To Ease Her Outrage? He Did NOT Even Do So In “Way Towards Health” In The Weeks, Days OR Hours Before She Died:

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK**…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives,** or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"

Barrie Comments: Rob On The Same Day, Asks: Why Wouldn’t Seth Just Say So…

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”

Barrie Comments: And Why Does Seth “Appear” Only AFTER Jane Made The Name Popular:

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "… How come those other people made their ‘Seths’ known AFTER Jane began to speak for HER Seth, and to publish the Jane-Seth material? Being inspired to use one’s own abilities is a perfectly understandable development that we can be very happy about. But to claim to speak for Jane’s Seth…is quite another thing."



Barrie Comments: Why The Need To Believe Seth Is Still Here:

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books …are afraid…of going out on their own, s o to speak…They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77, longer version): “Many of the people who read my books …realize that the authorities know far less than they originally supposed. They are afraid, however, of going out on their own, so to speak…

"They do not trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them

"… and since they distrust themselves they cannot really understand how the two of YOU trust yourselves as much as you do. They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT … Or worse–wants Clark Kent to shout out from the phone booth, or wherever: “You can do (YOUR VERSION) of this too because we ALL have a reality in which we are Clark Kent AND Superman at one and the same time”? Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.

"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN. They do NOT want my AUTHORITY questioned…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL they would have FAR better sense than Ruburt, and they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand that Ruburt’s questions, and YOURS (Rob’s), your sense of integrity, are partially responsible for a “superman” rather than a SUPERMOUSE.”

Barrie Comments: Seth As SYMBOL In Dreams, Out Of Bodies, Automatic Writing, And Other Communications:

Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”

Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”

Jane (God of Jane, 1981): "(A) man ‘in contact’ with Seth…wanted to inform me that I’d distorted Seth’s material on Christ, **and that Seth had TOLD him so!..**Good Christ!’ I muttered irritably to Rob when I read the letter. What about the other two people who wrote last year, each with their own versions of Christ’s life, each contradicting the other, and each supposedly containing corrections from Seth?’…

I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted about Christ’s life – that HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS**."**

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…

“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”

Seth (Session 876, 8-27-79): "A woman wrote that she was involved with. . . correspondences in which I was communicating with her, and she was certain that this would prove beyond a doubt my own independent nature, since I [would have given] messages to another medium besides Ruburt. The woman was quite convinced of that.

"Other people have written that I have given them such messages. Another woman DREAMED of me; and had an experience in which a child was definitely healed. Now, I DID NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THOSE WOMEN—BUT THEIR BELIEF IN ME HELPED EACH OF THEM USE CERTAIN ABILITIES. One woman has done some writing—not very good—but still, those abilities came to the fore. The other woman was able to use her OWN healing abilities.”

Seth (2-12-74): Class Transcript: “Arthur then addressed Seth describing an experience of the past week wherein he was trying to get out-of-body and found that he was unable to do so. After trying, without success, to get out-of-body, he thought he had heard Seth say, ‘The Mona Lisa is very, very heavy.’ He could not understand that statement.”

Seth Responds: Now, the voice was your own interpretation of what I might have said to you. But it is your interpretation, and so you should by rights tell me what it means! But for now, I will give you a clue: Sweetness and light comes hard. It is my interpretation of your interpretation!

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Several people have told me that Seth communicated with them through AUTOMATIC WRITING, but Seth denies any such contacts, saying that HIS COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO HIS WORK WITH ME, in order that the INTEGRITY of the Seth Material be preserved.”

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69): “IT IS QUITE NATURAL THAT OTHERS…who are experimenting SHOULD GO THROUGH A STAGE IN WHICH IT SEEMS TO THEM THEY ARE RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM ME. Suggestion operates, and any trance deeper than ordinary for them can be interpreted in these terms.”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "Even in God of Jane, which was published in 1981, Jane presented some relatively late material from Seth to show that he doesn’t independently communicate with others. The idea that he’d done so can be inspiring….Seth stated: ‘Now, I did not communicate with those women – but their belief in me helped each of them use certain abilities.’”

Seth (ESP Class, 4-17-73): “If you are quick, and if you are intuitive, and if you are courageous, and if some evening you listen to my voice in the proper mood**, then you can follow YOURSELF to the heart of yourself, using the voice as a road or vehicle.**”


Barrie Comments: This concludes my current list of excerpts. Does anyone REALLY believe after reading ALL that Seth, Jane and Rob said–that he would simply CHANGE his mind AFTER Jane’s death and contaminate his material by now communicating thru ANYONE who asks? That he would NO LONGER CARE about the integrity and authenticity of his material AFTER Jane died?


For your information, Barrie, just after Jane passed, her editor, Tam Mossman, who channeled his “grander” self essence gestalt entity, he called, “James,” and James was a colleague of Jane’s Seth and Seth’s gestalt entity called, We Are Seth.

Tam, in trance, asked James, as published in Tam’s Metapsychology - The Journal of Discarnate Intelligence, premiere issue, Spring of 1985, and I quote here, Barrie, from page 15 of Tam’s publication…

“Now that Jane Roberts is gone, will Seth choose to speak through anyone else?”
James responded with his answer…"Of course he will come through others, but in what seems to be a disguise: for Seth as you knew him was a PERSONA, the single facet of an immeasurably greater self. Just as a single entity will reincarnate in several bodies, so the entity you knew as Seth will appear again – but under a different guise, to try out the possibilities of a NEW channel and a NEW vocabulary.

So do NOT seek a spirit who calls himself Seth. Rather, listen for that same warmth and hearty welcome, that same ringing voice and challenge of knowing wisdom. And do not flinch or turn up your nose if you find those SETHISH qualities in a daisy, or an orchid, or in a puppy romping in the green grass; or in the smile and tender words of a dear friend who has never gone into trance in all her life and probably never will.

The sea is one, yet every wave of it is different; and the same ocean laps at the ice flows of Greenland and on the coral beaches of Tahiti. So do NOT ask Seth to come through with the same vocabulary, precisely t, for all his teachings so far have been he same ideas, much less the same name. But rather, seek his power and wisdom in YOURSELF, for all his teachings so far have been as nothing if you have not heard his repeated admonition to look there. ( within).

Ron, You discount ALL that Seth, Jane and Rob said thru-out the 19 years of material that Seth would only communicate via Jane in order to protect and maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material; and ypu point to and accept what one person, Tam, said? That’s funny.

Did he also explain why Seth would no longer care to protect and maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material?

You cling to the hope that Seth is still around because you are afraid to trust yourself—as Seth explained in the quotes.

I am a student in Seth University, Dream Campus, my characterization, in my dream adventures where a whole faculty of no-name teachers promote the same curriculum material as the Seth material, which is Seth’s packaging of the endless material as he makes it available as Jane’s Seth has MANY brother and sister teachers, so, as Seth says, Those who can learn can also teach, and I do not need a permission slip nor any outside approval to teach or to speak. Seth protects his interpretation and opinion of the endless material however NO ONE owns the material as it is FREE to access and interpret according to the individual’s beliefs and level of spiritual development, which varies. For your information I was face to face contacted by a sage, profound “space man” teacher in 1962, who appeared to me to answer my questions about the many UFOs I was seeing over Miami beginning in 1961. What I was taught and learned was a carbon copy of the Seth material, but through the psyche of an E.T. visitor. Later, in 1974 when I read Seth Speaks, I was amazed that Seth was teaching almost exactly what my space friend taught me, so I was very fortunate to have another source of spiritual enlightenment to COMPARE the Seth material with. One cannot possess and covet the ideas and concepts as given by Jane’s Seth and by my space friend, the material exists within the realm of ALL THAT IS. Again, my first questions to my space friend in early Feb of 1962…Is there a God, do you believe in God, where is God, is there a devil, is there a heaven and a hell, what happens to me when In die, and what is the purpose and meaning of life on earth. And the answers I got were right in line with the Seth material. So information comes in the door from many sources, and, if the teacher that appears, by whatever circumstances and events, whether it is channeling or face to face, as in my case, and that teacher opens the inner doors to more knowledge and wisdom, then the teacher has done his or her job. I actually TASK my inner self–being to deliver me to Seth University, Dream Campus through before sleep dream requests and suggestions. There are many dream Speaker schools teaching besides just Seth and WE ARE SETH. And, the information is remarkably all similar in nature. Why, there is WE ARE CHRIST where the student visits “Team Christ” and learns much. There is WE ARE BUDDHA, same thing, and they all teach the endless material, same as Jane’s Seth, only, only, they may choose to wear whatever DISGUISE and PERSONA that works well for the intended audience and century the Speaker appears. Also, for your information, ALL Seth sessions that were held with Jane and Rob are in the endless spiritual archives whereupon anyone tuned into Seth, can visit and experience in the dream state or altered states of consciousness, there is not one Seth session that you cannot freely access, tune into and learn from, and I have visited MANY such sessions. Seth told Jane and Rob that he had other students that he was working with while he was working with them, only they were present not perceptible consciously to Jane and Rob, but being that Seth is a multidimensional and multifaceted personality it was no problem for Seth in this regard. So I am still learning, and since I am still learning, and my professional background is in teaching, college photography and international photojournalism, I have ALL the tools necessary to teach my curriculum my way, you see…ron…visit SETH FORCE - The Adventure in Consciousness Continues on Facebook for the very best of Seth.



Ron, You are still totally ignoring that thru-out the 19 years of the material Seth said that he would only communicate via Jane in order to protect and maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material—as well as explaining why people will hold onto him.

And you still haven’t explained why seth would no longer care about protecting and maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the material after Jane died.

And your ignoring the fact that “ancient wisdom” of Seth’s concepts are not Seth’s but within all of us. So Seth is not hiding anywhere. He is not needed for the concepts to still exist.

Barrie, my dream teachers in Seth University, Dream Campus, reconfirm that Jane’s Seth made that statement to mean ONLY WHILE JANE WAS ALIVE, would he speak only through Jane. You completely missed the boat on that one. Don’t you realize that Jane’s Seth is but one of many such teachers of the We Are Seth energy gestalt entity and they ALL wear different disguises and assume different personas. I suppose that when little Barrie entered first grade, he immediately got up and walked out of class telling the teacher that he already had everything he ever needed inside of him, in his inner self and he didn’t need teachers. The integrity of the Seth material as given by Jane’s Seth is already protected under COPYRIGHT law because most, but not all of it, was published in book form. Did you know Tam Mossman? He channeled a FRIEND and colleague of Jane’s Seth’s and he FULLY ANSWERED why Jane’s Seth, wearing a different disguise and a different persona and not using the name of Seth, continues to teach not only in this reality, but many. Jane’s Seth’s entity, or We are Seth, has ALWAYS held classes in the dream state, sorry you’ve closed your mind, for a closed mind perceives nothing - Seth. A person’s disbelief in the laws of reincarnation does not change the laws of reincarnation one iota, and a person’s disbelief in Seth continuing teaching does not change Seth’s teaching ability one iota, you see. Seth did not invent the so-called, ancient wisdom he teaches, it has been around since the world was thought into existence. And, for that matter, my space friend, who contacted me in 1962, also taught me portions of that SAME ancient wisdom, and I TASK my inner self to visit them. I do not need a permission slip to promote Seth-inspired philosophy through the layers of my psyche and the filters of my personality and characteristics, you understand. – ron, Seth philosophy practitioner.

Ron, You have to be kidding? Your dream teachers told you? What great sources! Other people have dreams which tell them how to avoid demons. Hmmm. In any case…

Why would Seth NO longer care about protecting and maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the material—after Jane died?

AND NOT once does Seth, Jane or Rob say ANYWHERE thru-out ALL of the 19 years of material that this meant only while Jane was alive.

You, Ron, are making this up as if your dream holds some sort of objective reality for others outside your own imagination and personal symbols.

Last night, I had a dream that I was late getting someplace—but you know what? I wasn’t. It was a dream—meaningful to me with my own personal symbols. Look at your own dreams that way—and actually learn something–instead of claiming them as facts for everyone.

And, to repeat, your statement ITSELF about “only when Jane was alive” makes NO sense.

That would mean that AFTER Jane would die, then Seth would NO LONGER CARE about protecting and maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the material…and instead he would then suddenly communicate via everyone and anyone who asked him.

Thru-out the years of the material, there have been many people like you who swore that Seth was communicating via them…and Seth REFUTED them all while he was around via Jane to do so. And since she died, there are many people**, just like you,** who each have their own unique angle explaining how and why Seth now communicates via them in one way or another.

Of course, NO ONE claimed a Seth before Jane made the name popular.

That said, it is NOT one quote that Seth said. There are MANY quotes by SETH, JANE AND ROB said—spoken thru-out the complete 19 years of the material.

Ron Writes: "Seth made THAT statement…”

Barrie Comments: There was no “that statement,” Ron. It was NOT one statement.

Repeat: NOT one quote, but MANY.

HERE, again, are 26 quotes, by Seth, Jane and Rob, explaining that Seth would only communicate via Jane in order to protect and maintain the integrity and authenticity of the material:

In the quotes Seth also explains why people, like you, cling to Seth—because they don’t trust themselves to find their own answers within; and they want their own “Superman” without Clark Kent—or in this case without Jane.

So, HERE are 26 quotes right now—to give you the opportunity once again–to see directly for yourself that Seth, Jane and Rob clearly and repeatedly stated that Seth would ONLY communicate via Jane in order to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the Seth material.

In these quotes Seth ALSO talks about his relationship to Rob and Jane and how Rob was needed to come thru at all—because all three of them shared the same entity. He explains why people want a Seth without a Jane. He explains that people would use name as a symbol and on and on.

Why not just read the quotes, for those who have not? I post them in two parts.

Let me remind you: These are SETH’s, JANE’s and ROB’s words. NOT my words; and NOT the words of any Seth “experts” getting it wrong. These are THEIR WORDS and CAPS have been added for emphasis only…

Barrie Comments: Seth Says He Only Communicates Only Via Jane, Explains Why–And That Rob IS NEEDED:

Seth (Session 454, 12-7-68, Early Sessions 9): “My friend here, Ruburt, is my mouth, and speaks for me**…I WILL NEVER SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE OTHER THAN RUBURT**, simply because there MUST NEVER BE ANY DOUBT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SETH MATERIAL.”

Seth (Session 510, 1-19-70, Seth Speaks):

"MY COMMUNICATIONS WILL COME EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH (JANE) AT ALL TIMES, to protect the integrity of the material…”

Seth (Session 15, 1-13-64, Early Sessions 1): "Joseph, your part in these sessions is extremely important. WITHOUT YOUR PARTICIPATION THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEGUN, NOR COULD THEY CONTINUE. Because of our past alliances the three of us are closely bound together. However, I need the two of you in order to come through at all.”

Seth (Session 58, 6-1-64): “RUBURT and myself are offshoots of the same entity…And now, my dear patient JOSEPH, may I tell you THAT YOU ARE ALSO PART OF THAT SAME ENTITY - AND THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I AM ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BOTH."

Seth (Session 170): “My concern is with the material I am presenting…RUBURT (LOUDER) WILL PRESENT MY MATERIAL FOR MEIt is largely disregarded, the sort of personality which is required in this endeavor. It simply happens that because of past relationships I know Ruburt well, and Ruburt knows me FAR better than he imagines. He knows well who I am, and I know who he is…NOR SHOULD JOSEPH’S PART IN THIS ENDEAVOR BE FORGOTTEN. It is more complicated than you may suppose. Now, I have trained Ruburt and taught Ruburt so that his valid clairvoyant experiences can be put on some sort of scientific basis…He is an intelligent and intuitional personality, and should be given credit.”

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69, Early Sessions 9): "Now, when you see what Ruburt can do occasionally, and the troubles I can have with distortion, then you can be sure that **I WOULD NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THE CHANCES FOR DISTORTION BY ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK THROUGH ANYONE ELSE…**There is also something else that he seems to have forgotten–that your own relationships, yours (Rob’s) and Ruburt’s and the relationships BETWEEN US in the past, do much to make our communications possible.”

Seth (Session 47): “This material WITH ALL MY BEST EFFORTS, and with yours (Rob & Jane), of necessity must contain distortions merely in order to make itself exist at all on your planeANY material, to exist on your plane…MUST be somewhat distorted. I must use phrases with which your minds are somewhat familiar…If I did not take advantage of your own camouflage system, then YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL…Inner data…MUST make its entry through some distortion… THIS MATERIAL IS MORE VALID THAN ANY MATERIAL POSSIBLE ON YOUR PLANE.”

Seth (ESP Class, 12-19-72): “Seth Speaks should be called You Speak and You Speak and You Speak. SO LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.”

Barrie Comments: Jane Wrote The Following 2-1/2 Years Before She Died. Don’t You Think That This Late In The Game–Seth Would Have Said SOMETHING About Communicating Via Others—If Not Just To Ease Her Outrage? He Did NOT Even Do So In “Way Towards Health” In The Weeks, Days OR Hours Before She Died:

Jane (Dreams, Evolution,Value Fulfillment–Essay 5, 4-18-82): “And–very troublesome to me–came the repeated news that various people were ‘speaking for Seth’ publicly, and charging hefty-enough fees. I felt that my work was being CONTAMINATED, and more, I was annoyed and disappointed by those readers who could apparently be so taken in by those other Seths. As he has said so many times, SETH SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH ME, TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE MATERIAL, and it is indeed THAT contract between him and me that always assures you of the AUTHENTICITY OF SETH’S WORK**…I’M DEEPLY OUTRAGED that some people who consider themselves ‘followers’ of mine or Seth CAN SO EASILY FOOL THEMSELVES WHEN THEY CLAIM TO BE SPEAKING FOR SETH – be so blind to their own motives,** or not recognize the fact that they’re taking advantage of people. THEY’RE ALSO USING MY WORK TO VALIDATE THEIR OWN…"

Barrie Comments: Rob On The Same Day, Asks: Why Wouldn’t Seth Just Say So…

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "After all, if he does come through others – or can if he wants to – why hasn’t Seth himself simply said so, and repeatedly, in the books as we’ve published them over the years? We’d have respected his statements on that aspect of his abilities and intents as much as we did – and do – on any other. To have attempted to censor Seth since 1963, say, to ‘keep him to ourselves’ on that particular subject, would have long ago turned into an impossibly complicated and dishonest task: Jane and I would have become involved in a constant distortion of his material as we rewrote the sessions. Such a procedure would have turned into a creative tragedy for us and for our readers.”

Barrie Comments: And Why Does Seth “Appear” Only AFTER Jane Made The Name Popular:

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "… How come those other people made their ‘Seths’ known AFTER Jane began to speak for HER Seth, and to publish the Jane-Seth material? Being inspired to use one’s own abilities is a perfectly understandable development that we can be very happy about. But to claim to speak for Jane’s Seth…is quite another thing."



Barrie Comments: Why The Need To Believe Seth Is Still Here:

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77): “Many of the people who read my books …are afraid…of going out on their own, s o to speak…They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (Deleted Session, 7-2-77, longer version): “Many of the people who read my books …realize that the authorities know far less than they originally supposed. They are afraid, however, of going out on their own, so to speak…

"They do not trust themselves. They do not have the stamina, or the resoluteness, however, yet, to face a reality in which THEY are the creators of their circumstances. They no longer TRUST religion or science in organizational terms…They must accept the fact that Ruburt…will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them

"… and since they distrust themselves they cannot really understand how the two of YOU trust yourselves as much as you do. They use MY position as a substitute for the authority they are trying to give up. They think "IF I HAD A SETH, I too would progress….”

Seth (Deleted Session 7-2-77): “People become FRIGHTENED sometimes…They want to think that I spring AUTOMATICALLY into your lives, as SUPERMAN. They did not question Superman. Only a simple change of clothing was required for our hero, Mr. Kent. They do NOT want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

"What comic book reader wants to bother with a CLARK KENT … Or worse–wants Clark Kent to shout out from the phone booth, or wherever: “You can do (YOUR VERSION) of this too because we ALL have a reality in which we are Clark Kent AND Superman at one and the same time”? Such people simply want Superman to PERFORM his miracles.

"They want to keep Clark Kent and Superman entirely SEPARATE on a mental, psychical, and physical basis, and ONLY in the terms of our analogy…I become a SUPERSOUL rather than SUPERMAN. They do NOT want my AUTHORITY questioned…They think that if THEY had their OWN SUPERSOUL they would have FAR better sense than Ruburt, and they would use me as if I were a MAGIC GENIE. They are afraid Ruburt might…QUESTION ME OUT OF EXISTENCE, for they do NOT understand that Ruburt’s questions, and YOURS (Rob’s), your sense of integrity, are partially responsible for a “superman” rather than a SUPERMOUSE.”

Barrie Comments: Seth As SYMBOL In Dreams, Out Of Bodies, Automatic Writing, And Other Communications:

Seth (ESP Class, 3-12-74): Class Member: “Seth, would you help me in my DREAMS if I tried to contact you?”

Seth Responds: “You help yourself in your own dreams. You do not need me. You may use the SYMBOL of me, but when you do, it is a SYMBOL OF YOUR OWN INNER KNOWLEDGE, for I am the SYMBOL OF THE KNOWLEDGE THAT DWELLS WITHIN EACH OF YOUR PSYCHES. I am MYSELF, but beyond that I am the SYMBOL of the knowledge that dwells within each of your psyches.”

Jane (God of Jane, 1981): "(A) man ‘in contact’ with Seth…wanted to inform me that I’d distorted Seth’s material on Christ, **and that Seth had TOLD him so!..**Good Christ!’ I muttered irritably to Rob when I read the letter. What about the other two people who wrote last year, each with their own versions of Christ’s life, each contradicting the other, and each supposedly containing corrections from Seth?'…

I’d written the man a brief note explaining that he was free to believe what he wanted about Christ’s life – that HE WASN’T IN CONTACT WITH SETH, BUT WITH HIS OWN SYMBOLIZED VERSION OF WHO OR WHAT HE THOUGHT SETH WAS**."**

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Mrs. Brian had a terrific headache while reading the article (about Seth); suddenly she thought she felt Seth’s presence. An inner voice, presumably Seth’s, told her that she had been feeling sorry for herself that she must stop brooding over her health at once, get up, and go out for a walk. If SO, she would improve at once…

“We asked Seth about the incident. In this case, he said, Mrs. Brian had USED HIM AS A SYMBOL OF HER INNER SELF, or SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS, to deliver help and healing influences as well as advice. The experience helped the woman to use her own abilities, and the IDEA of Seth ENABLED HER TO ACTIVATE HER OWN HEALING FORCES.”

Seth (Session 876, 8-27-79): "A woman wrote that she was involved with. . . correspondences in which I was communicating with her, and she was certain that this would prove beyond a doubt my own independent nature, since I [would have given] messages to another medium besides Ruburt. The woman was quite convinced of that.

"Other people have written that I have given them such messages. Another woman DREAMED of me; and had an experience in which a child was definitely healed. Now, I DID NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THOSE WOMEN—BUT THEIR BELIEF IN ME HELPED EACH OF THEM USE CERTAIN ABILITIES. One woman has done some writing—not very good—but still, those abilities came to the fore. The other woman was able to use her OWN healing abilities.”

Seth (2-12-74): Class Transcript: “Arthur then addressed Seth describing an experience of the past week wherein he was trying to get out-of-body and found that he was unable to do so. After trying, without success, to get out-of-body, he thought he had heard Seth say, ‘The Mona Lisa is very, very heavy.’ He could not understand that statement.”

Seth Responds: Now, the voice was your own interpretation of what I might have said to you. But it is your interpretation, and so you should by rights tell me what it means! But for now, I will give you a clue: Sweetness and light comes hard. It is my interpretation of your interpretation!

Jane (Chap.9, 1970, Seth Material): “Several people have told me that Seth communicated with them through AUTOMATIC WRITING, but Seth denies any such contacts, saying that HIS COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE LIMITED TO HIS WORK WITH ME, in order that the INTEGRITY of the Seth Material be preserved.”

Seth (Session 463, 2-5-69): “IT IS QUITE NATURAL THAT OTHERS…who are experimenting SHOULD GO THROUGH A STAGE IN WHICH IT SEEMS TO THEM THEY ARE RECEIVING INFORMATION FROM ME. Suggestion operates, and any trance deeper than ordinary for them can be interpreted in these terms.”

Rob (Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, V.1, 4-18-82): "Even in God of Jane, which was published in 1981, Jane presented some relatively late material from Seth to show that he doesn’t independently communicate with others. The idea that he’d done so can be inspiring….Seth stated: ‘Now, I did not communicate with those women – but their belief in me helped each of them use certain abilities.’”

Seth (ESP Class, 4-17-73): “If you are quick, and if you are intuitive, and if you are courageous, and if some evening you listen to my voice in the proper mood**, then you can follow YOURSELF to the heart of yourself, using the voice as a road or vehicle.**”


Barrie Comments: This concludes my current list of excerpts. Does anyone REALLY believe after reading ALL that Seth, Jane and Rob said–that Seth would simply CHANGE his mind AFTER Jane’s death and contaminate his material by now communicating thru ANYONE who asks? That he would NO LONGER CARE about the integrity and authenticity of his material AFTER Jane died?


Barrie, you should pause and step back and take a close look at yourself, really. This is why Jane’s ESP class members bestowed the moniker of “THE POPE” on you because you viciously project your strict, narrow minded beliefs upon others, to the point of becoming so obnoxious, that its Barrie’s way or no way. In a conversation about you by two former class members, one still alive in CA whom I’m not naming, and the other, Richie who recently passed, they told me that it got so bad that you actually thought that you were THE Seth material and you turned it into a religion and the material was the Seth bible. You made it sound like Seth had to come and kneel before you and get your permission slip and approval to do anything; all you did was project upon everyone. But that’s OK, Barrie, I understand that your intentions were well meaning, only you evolved from being a true Seth teacher to becoming a Seth dictator…A closed mind perceives nothing…and spiritual ignorance is at the basis of your problems. You know everything there is to know about Seth and Seth killed himself and screwed the earth forever more and left only you as the Messiah of Seth, LOL. For your information, Barrie, your dear friend, Laurel Davies-Butts, gave me Robert Butt’s typed transcript volume #18, sessions dated in 1975, that were completely left out of the printed Seth books, that is, these were a dozen Seth sessions that “fell through the cracks” so to speak that were never published in book form, no book reference, and I got to read never before publicly seen Seth material!!! In addition to all this, in year 2020, I drove to Elmira and purchased from Chalene, the woman to whom Laurel sold the Hill House to in 2010, and she salvaged a TON of abandoned, left behind Jane, Rob and Seth material, that no one ever saw, in the form of Seth session manuscripts with Rob and Jane’s personal side notes, and Rob and Jane original artwork, and objects of art and Rob’s Sethnet conference gifts, dozens of them, Mary Dillman’s personal photo snapshot album covering two 1990s Sethnet meetings. What it was, The girls at the Seth House, your friends, Kate and Oshara, had the Elmira newspaper reporter stop by and get information about Jane, the hometown author --besides Mark Twain, and the newspaper, the Star - Gazette, printed a full page feature article on the Seth House and Jane and Rob. Well, Chalene, who is a psychic medium in her own right, who lived in Pine City, a town about 6 miles SW of Elmira, saw the newspaper article and called Kate and Oshara and informed them that she salvaged considerable spiritualistic material that Laurel left behind in the house when she sold it because she felt it had some value, and she did not know of Jane Roberts and Seth. Chalene re-sold the house in 2015 after her building contractor husband tore the old, condemned Hill House down and rebuilt a new house at 1730 Pinnacle Road, Elmira, and Chalene refused to return the material to Laurel because she owned it, and Chalene stored the material away for 5 years not knowing what to do with it, until, she called the Seth House and Kate and Oshara told her that he would be very interested in buying it, and put ron in touch with Chalene, and Ron and Chalene came to agreement on price, $4,400, which is pocket change for me, so that’s when I drove up to Pine City and take possession of the Jane, Rob and Seth material, which literally filled my 2012 Toyoya RAV4 SUV. I got Jane and Rob’s private library of some 250 books, many signed by Rob and Jane and Walter Zeh, Jane’s first husband, along with unpublished Seth that you do not know about, so you have only partial information about what Seth said, this amazing Seth discovery instantly defrocks the “Pope,” LOL. In the unpublished material from TWO places that was destined to come my way, Seth goes into more detail on Atlantis, actually several closely closely related Atlantean civilizations, and more inside Christ material, and many other topics…and my space friend told me about one of his past lifetimes as an Atlantean farmer, and both Atlantis info are compatible. Barrie, all this material and all the top iconic Seth and Jane and Rob artifacts, extensive artwork, for example, was DESTINED to come my way because there are no accidents and no accidental meetings, all is by design and agreement, why, even chatting with you, Barrie, was meant to be, you see.So, I possess a WEALTH of Seth, Jane and Rob material that has yet to come to light and I’m wondering how to possibly go about it…“Seth - The Lost Sessions,” for example, a book that would be published in several languages, that would today sell millions of copies worldwide. What do you think, my friend? – Ronald H. Card, on Facebook.